Letter from George Webb, 5 November 1890


Letter from George Webb, 5 November 1890
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    [sideways text] Nov 5 [18]90. Geo. Webb. Lehi. In re mission Rec' Nov 7 [18]90 Ans Nov 10 [18]90 [end of sideways text] To President Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro, Yours of Oct 31st to hand. In answer will say that I was somewhat surprised when I received yours, yet pleased indeed to learn that I had been thought worthy to go and preach the Gospel to the Nations. As you wish to know my feelings in regard to this matter I will state them in as few words as ...
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    and not being a man of means it took every dollar we could get to pay for them, so much so that we had to deprive ourselves in some instances, but we were determing by the help of our Heavenly Father to keep them there and we did so. And the progress and re^c^ord they made we are prowed of and whatever we may have suffered in the past our joy is made full at present when we look upon them and the prospect of seeing them become very useful in the future. This fall we sent the ...
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    now performing which I will not name, but should you desire the information our Bishop can give it. I now have the care of my aged Father (My mother having died many years ago) who is at the advanced age of 84 he has been with me for 17 years, he has now become quite febel in body and his mind is not as good as it was a few years ago and he needs constant care and attention. I have not thought it wise as ...
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    time to call him to take a mission to my native land "Gt Briton" it would be an honor to him and a source of co^m^fort to me I have told him he would have to go some time and perhaps go over the grounds I went over in the years of [18]61, 2, 3, and part of 4. I will say that he has been engaged for this school year which will end about May or June 1891. I will now close praying that our Hevenly Father will bless you with his ...