and entertained for the remainder of the night by Mr. Jerrew,
who had an Osage squaw for a wife; she prepared us a good
supper, but marvelled that we did not drink coffee; she pro-
ffered us their best bed, which was highly ornamented, but we de-
clined ^heraccepting her kind offer, as we were wet and muddy;
she then made us a good bed of Mackinaw blankets before a
large fire, and we slept comfortably. May the Lord reward
both Mr. Jerrew and wife, and the Presbyterian minister accord-
ing to their deserts.
th, Mr. Jerreu gave us a good breakfast, put us accross
the Osage river in a canoe, and was we started upon our long
day's walk, it being 60 miles to the nearest house; and we had not a morsel of anything with us to eat; most of our travels through
the day was through prairie; before dark we entered timbered land,
as we approached the timber a large black bear met us; we
had no weapons^.^ but a small pistol, when the bear got ^within^ about
6 rods of us, he rose upon his hind feet and examined us
a short time, then turned and went another off. We were
soon enveloped in such thick darkness ^that^ it was with great difficulty that we could keep the road, we ^&^ weresoon surrounded with ^by^
a large drove of wolves, that ^which^ kept up a continual howling, and
would frequently rush upon us, coming to within a few feet
of us, we travelled about two hours in this situation, feeling that
we were in danger, and concluded to stop and build a fire
and wait till morning; accordingly we built a large fire which
drove the wolves off, and as we were about to lie down, we heard
a dog bark and a bell; we felt assured we were near a
house; each both of us took a brand of fire, and on going
about one quarter of a mile, we came to a log hut, which was
occupied by Mr. Williams, who had been in Jackson Co., during
the mobing of the Saints;, he ^&^ had lately moved here depending
upon his gun mostly for his living, it was 60 miles to a
house on the North and 12 miles on the South; him ^He^ and his
family were living in a small old log hut, about 12 feet square,
and one bed in the room, upon which lay his wife, several children
and entertained for the remainder of the night by Mr. Jerrew,
who had an Osage squaw for a wife; she prepared us a good
supper, but marvelled that we did not drink coffee; she proffered us their best bed, which was highly ornamented, but we declined her kind offer, as we were wet and muddy;
she made us a good bed of Mackinaw blankets before a
large fire, and we slept comfortably. May the Lord reward
both Mr. Jerrew and wife, and the Presbyterian minister according to their deserts.
19th, Mr. Jerreu gave us a good breakfast, put us accross
the Osage river in a canoe, and we started upon our long
day's walk, it being 60 miles to the nearest house; we had not
anything with us to eat; most of our travels through
the day was through prairie; before dark we entered timbered land,
as we approached the timber a large black bear met us; we
had no weapons., when the bear got within about
6 rods of us, he rose upon his hind feet and examined us
a short time, and went off. We were
soon enveloped in such thick darkness that it was with great difficulty
we could keep the road, & surrounded by
a large drove of wolves, which kept up a continual howling, and
would frequently rush to within a few feet
of us, we travelled about two hours in this situation, feeling that
we were in danger, and concluded to stop and build a fire
and wait till morning; accordingly we built a large fire which
drove the wolves off, and as we were about to lie down, we heard
a dog bark and a bell; we felt assured we were near a
house; both of us took a brand of fire, and on going
about one quarter of a mile, we came to a log hut, which was
occupied by Mr. Williams, who had been in Jackson Co., during
the mobing of the Saints, & had lately moved here depending
upon his gun mostly for his living, it was 60 miles to a
house on the North and 12 miles on the South; him He and his
family were living in a small old log hut, about 12 feet square,
and one bed in the room, upon which lay his wife, several children
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