taken from the Kirtland bank, –having been a Clerk in that institution., He
We crossed thelake Ontario, visited upper Canada,
and attended a conference, May 10th [], with Elders John E. Page
and James Blakesly, in the township of Bastard, Leeds Co.,
there was eight branches represented containing 300 members,
13 elders, 5 priests, 8 teachers and 6 deacons. Elder Wm.
Draper and myself ordained 7 Elders, 9 Priests, 11 teachers
and 5 deacons: 5 were baptized by Elder Page at the
close of the Conference.
A woman was possessed of the Devil and greatly
afflicted, much of the time was dumb, 4 of us laid hands
upon her, and cast the Devil out of her in the name
of Jesus Christ, and she was made whole and gave thanks
unto God, and went on her way rejoicing. ¶ We visited several
other branches and preached the word of God and several
of the sick were healed. ¶ We returned to Kingston.—
took steamer for Oswego and canal for Albany; we
^bros.^ John Goodson, Isaac Russell & John Snider accompanied
us from Canada, and left us at Schenectady, to join Elders Kimball, Hyde and Richards at New York, to go to England.
We walked from Albany to Farmington. Conn. — attended
a conference of the saints in Canaan — arrived at my fathers
house , this was the first time I had ever seen my
Father or relatives in Conn. since I joined the church; they
received me kindly. On the , I preached in the city hall
in Colinsville, and a mob gathered and attempted to break up
the meeting, with fife and drum, hollowing and yelling; they
were stirred urged on by a presbyterian priest; at the close
of the meeting the priest came to me with his rabble
and asked many questions; he said, I had no right
to my opinion, and no man had a right to preach the
Gospel unless he had a collegiate education, I told him I
would admit that point when he could tell me ^at^ what
We crossed lake Ontario, visited upper Canada,
and attended a conference, May 10th, with Elders John E. Page
and James Blakesly, in the township of Bastard, Leeds Co.,
there was eight branches represented containing 300 members,
13 elders, 5 priests, 8 teachers and 6 deacons. Elder Wm.
Draper and myself ordained 7 Elders, 9 Priests, 11 teachers
and 5 deacons: 5 were baptized by Elder Page at the
close of the Conference.
A woman was possessed of the Devil and greatly
afflicted, much of the time was dumb, 4 of us laid hands
upon her, and cast the Devil out in the name
of Jesus Christ, and she was made whole and gave thanks
unto God, and went on her way rejoicing. ¶ We visited several
other branches and preached the word of God and several
of the sick were healed. ¶ We returned to Kingston.—
took steamer for Oswego and canal for Albany;
bros. John Goodson, Isaac Russell & John Snider accompanied
us from Canada, and left us at Schenectady, to join Elders
Kimball, Hyde and Richards at New York, to go to
We walked from Albany to Farmington. Conn. — attended
a conference of the saints in Canaan — arrived at my fathers
house July 6th, this was the first time I had seen my
Father or relatives in Conn. since I joined the church; they
received me kindly. On the 10th, I preached in the city hall
in Colinsville, and a mob gathered and attempted to break up
the meeting, with fife and drum, hollowing and yelling; they
were urged on by a presbyterian priest; at the close
of the meeting the priest came to me with his rabble
and asked many questions; he said, I had no right
to my opinion, and no man had a right to preach the
Gospel unless he had a collegiate education, I told him I
would admit that point when he could tell me at what
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