Bros. Smoot & Clapp both entered into the labors of
the ministry. Elder Smoot frequently accompanied me on
my mission. Elder D. W. Patten returned to Tennessee, in april,
and joined us in our labors, accompanied by his wife, it was
a happy meeting, he related to me the blessings he had received
in Kirtland during the endowments; we travelled and labored
together; persecution raged against us; Elder Patten bore a
strong and forcible testimony untof ^to^ ^of^ the work of God, and when
we were opposed by mobs he would rebuke them in great
plainness; we were threatened, but not injured; the sick
were frequently healed under our administrations.
, Elder Warren Parrishjoined us, hecame direct
^arrived^ from Kirtlandand joined us in our labors. We held a conference
on the , at bro. Seth Utleys; 7 branches were represented con-
taining 116 members. Abel Wilson and Jesse Turpin ^were^ ordained priests
and Albert Pettyordained a Teacher. , I was ordained under the hands of ^by^ David W. Patten a member of the second
quorum of Seventies. We
We continued toextended our laborsed over a circuit of
several hundred miles, bro. Smoot labored continually with us and
bro. Clapp frequently. We travelled two by two, only as ^except when^ we
^&^ all met together to hold conferences.
, [Joseph Smith Papers Document] a states warrant was issued against D. W. Patten, Warren Parrish & Wilford Woodruff, sworn out
by Mathew Williams, a Methodist priest, and served by the
Sheriff, Robert C. Petty. Elders Patten and Parrish were
taken by an armed mob of about fifty, under ^pretence^ form ^color^ of law
led by the Sheriff, a Colonel, 1st & 2nd major, with other
officers, and a Methodist priest, with a gun on his shoulder
I was in another County and not taken. We were accused
of prophecying falsely, by saying, that four persons who
Bros. Smoot & Clapp both entered into the labors of
the ministry. Elder Smoot frequently accompanied me on
my mission. Elder D. W. Patten returned to Tennessee, in april,
and joined us in our labors, accompanied by his wife, it was
a happy meeting, he related to me the blessings he had received
in Kirtland during the endowments; we travelled and labored
together; persecution raged against us; Elder Patten bore a
strong and forcible testimony of the work of God, and when
we were opposed by mobs he would rebuke them in great
plainness; we were threatened, but not injured; the sick
were healed under our administrations.
May 27, Elder Warren Parrish,
arrived from Kirtland. We held a conference
on the 28th, at bro. Seth Utleys; 7 branches were represented containing 116 members. Abel Wilson and Jesse Turpin were ordained priests
and Albert Petty a Teacher. 31st, I was ordained
by David W. Patten a member of the second
quorum of Seventies.
We labored over a circuit of
several hundred miles, bro. Smoot labored with us and
bro. Clapp frequently. We travelled two by two,
& all met together to hold conferences.
June 19, a states warrant was issued against
D. W. Patten, Warren Parrish & Wilford Woodruff, sworn out
by Mathew Williams, a Methodist priest, and served by the
Sheriff, Robert C. Petty. Elders Patten and Parrish were
taken by an armed mob of about fifty, under pretence of law
led by the Sheriff, a Colonel, 1st & 2nd major, with other
officers, and a Methodist priest, with a gun on his shoulder
I was in another County and not taken. We were accused
of prophecying falsely, by saying, that four persons who
Select a date to see more documents from that day.