Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 24 November 1839


Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 24 November 1839
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    New Egypt, New Jersey, Nov 24th 1839 My Dear Phebe I once more sit down to write a letter to you, this is the fourth letter I have written you since we last parted, but whether you get my letters or not I do not know know. I have not recieved but one letter from you but I was truly thankful to hear from you once, and I have been sorry that I did not request you to write immediately to New York as soon as you recievied my letter ...
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    ^The following Page is for your Private perusal^ Phebe I know you have made sacrafices, & great ones to, you have made them for Jesus Christ & his cause, & you have made them for me: some of them have been of such a nature that it hath required all the powers of the soul to pass through them, & those sacrifces still continue, even our seperation is required for a season in order to do the will of God, but I think you are sensible that no worldly honour or Earthly gain would cause this our ...
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    New Egypt NJ Nov 27. ^25^ Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff Montrose, Lee County Ioway Territory Willford Woodruff (To Phebe) New Egypt New Jersey Nov 29 1839