Apostle Wilford Woodruff said:
The Lord has had a motive in or-
ganizing these associations, in in-
spiring men to encourage, counsel,
dictate and direct in these institu-
tions; from them have got to come
forth men and women who will be
instruments of the God of Israel, in
carrying out the work which their
parents have commenced.
As to the manner of conducting
these Associations I cannot lay down
any definite rules that will perhaps
apply to everybody alike, and as far
as I am concerned, I feel a good deal
like letting everybody have their
own free agency and do as they
please, as long they do good. If you
wish to have the Associations male
and female, all right, but if you
think more good can be accomplish-
ed by having the sexes meet separ-
ately, why, all right; if you will only
magnify your callings as sons and
daughters of the Lord, and prepare
yourselves to step forth and take the
places of your fathers and mothers.
One thing I wish to encourage; I
want our young men to spend the
time as much as possible in treasur-
ing up the words of life. Of course
you want variety, but I would
advise our young men to take the
Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine
and Covenants and read; not for the
sake of seeing how many chapters
you can read, but to try how much
you can understand and remember.
There is not a boy in Israel eight
years old who, if he could compre-
hend that he is an heir to the great
blessings promised in these good
books, would feel that he has ten
minutes to spare in reading a novel.
He urged the young men to prepare
themselves to go forth and spread
the Gospel, and labor to benefit one
another. I have said in days gone
bye, Where, O where, O Lord, are
the sons of the prophets who are go-
ing to take this responsibility off of
us? To-day I see before me instru-
ments in the hands of God, where
the spirit and power of God
can operate. I see rising
up before me a generation
who are willing to go forth as their
fathers have done, and my heart re-
joices. Go before the Lord in your
closets, and open your hearts to
Him in faith and he will answer
your prayers. The time will come
when you will require faith to com-
mand the elements, and they will
Another thing I want to say,
when you wish to take a wife, re-
member she has got to be a com-
panion to you in time and eternity,
and the mother of your children.
I will close by saying, do not
visit grog shops, and other similar
places; keep your bodies and spirits
pure, and use your influence with
others to do the same whenever you
have an opportunity. I would say
the same to my young sisters. We
can afford to stand the injustices put
upon us by the world, as far as the
Lord will permit.
Apostle Wilford Woodruff said:
The Lord has had a motive in organizing these associations, in inspiring men to encourage, counsel,
dictate and direct in these institutions; from them have got to come
forth men and women who will be
instruments of the God of Israel, in
carrying out the work which their
parents have commenced.
As to the manner of conducting
these Associations I cannot lay down
any definite rules that will perhaps
apply to everybody alike, and as far
as I am concerned, I feel a good deal
like letting everybody have their
own free agency and do as they
please, as long they do good. If you
wish to have the Associations male
and female, all right, but if you
think more good can be accomplished by having the sexes meet separately, why, all right; if you will only
magnify your callings as sons and
daughters of the Lord, and prepare
yourselves to step forth and take the
places of your fathers and mothers.
One thing I wish to encourage; I
want our young men to spend the
time as much as possible in treasuring up the words of life. Of course
you want variety, but I would
advise our young men to take the
Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine
and Covenants and read; not for the
sake of seeing how many chapters
you can read, but to try how much
you can understand and remember.
There is not a boy in Israel eight
years old who, if he could comprehend that he is an heir to the great
blessings promised in these good
books, would feel that he has ten
minutes to spare in reading a novel.
He urged the young men to prepare
themselves to go forth and spread
the Gospel, and labor to benefit one
another. I have said in days gone
bye, Where, O where, O Lord, are
the sons of the prophets who are going to take this responsibility off of
us? To-day I see before me instruments in the hands of God, where
the spirit and power of God
can operate. I see rising
up before me a generation
who are willing to go forth as their
fathers have done, and my heart rejoices. Go before the Lord in your
closets, and open your hearts to
Him in faith and he will answer
your prayers. The time will come
when you will require faith to command the elements, and they will
Another thing I want to say,
when you wish to take a wife, remember she has got to be a companion to you in time and eternity,
and the mother of your children.
I will close by saying, do not
visit grog shops, and other similar
places; keep your bodies and spirits
pure, and use your influence with
others to do the same whenever you
have an opportunity. I would say
the same to my young sisters. We
can afford to stand the injustices put
upon us by the world, as far as the
Lord will permit.
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