The[y] get their living entirely by fishing. There
is a few garden patches under cultivation
but at great expens, some sheep are kept upon
the . Many of the inhabitants fish at , & bring the fish home and cure them
on flakes and prepare them for Market, they
supply the market with great quantities of Cod
Mackerel and Boxed Herren. upon this Island
there are two stores, three tide saw mills, six
school houses, and a small branch of the
Church & a priest, what timber there is upon this
Island such as pine, fir, spruce, Hemlock, Birch
where the living rasp & goose berries mostly grow out of the
cracks of the rocks, There is great quantities of fish
inhabit the waters coves & harbors around these Islands
such as whales, blackfish, shark, Ground shark, pilot fish,
Horse Mackeral, Sturgeon, psalmon salon,
Holloboat, Cod, pollach, Tom Cod Hake, Haddock
Mackerel, stoat, Bass, Alewives, Herren, Pohagen,
Dolphin, Whiting, Frost fish, Flounders, Smelt, Skate
shrimp skid, Cusk, Bluebacks, scollop, Dogfish
Muttonfish, Lumpfish, squid Fivefingers M
They get their living entirely by fishing. There
is a few garden patches under cultivation
but at great expens, some sheep are kept upon
the . Many of the inhabitants fish at , & bring the fish home and cure them
on flakes and prepare them for Market, they
supply the market with great quantities of Cod
Mackerel and Boxed Herren. upon this Island
there are two stores, three tide saw mills, six
school houses, and a small branch of the
Church & a priest, what timber there is upon this
Island such as pine, fir, spruce, Hemlock, Birch
where the living rasp & goose berries mostly grow out of the
cracks of the rocks There is great quantities of fish
inhabit the waters coves & harbors around these Islands
such as whales, blackfish, shark, Ground shark, pilot fish,
Horse Mackeral, Sturgeon, salon,
Holloboat, Cod, pollach, Tom Cod Hake, Haddock
Mackerel, stoat, Bass, Alewives, Herren, Pohagen,
Dolphin, Whiting, Frost fish, Flounders, Smelt, Skate
shrimp skid, Cusk, Bluebacks, scollop, Dogfish
Muttonfish, Lumpfish, squid Fivefingers