Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 1


Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 1
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    Chapter 1; My missions to Fox Islands My Travels through Canada and visit to my parents in Connecticut while on my journey Having returned from my Southern Mission in the fall of 1836, in company with A. O. Smoot & Jesse Turpit, I spent the winter in of 1835,, in Kirtland, received my Endowments, and attended the school taught by profeser Haws who taught Greek Latten & English Gramer, I confined myself mostly to ...
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    The time having arrived for me to start on my mission I did not tary at home one year according to the Law of Moses after having married me a wife I ownly tarried one Month & 18 days and on the 3rd May 1837, I took the parting hand with my wife whom I left at with Sister Hale, where she was expecting to tary for the season. After parting with other friends I Kirtland left Kirtland in good spirits and walked in company with ...
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    there were 32 persons presented for ordination which I was requested to ordain in company with Elder Wm Draper we ordained 7 Elders 9 priest, 11 Teachers & 5 Deacons. We spoke to the people several times during the conference. At the close of the conference we were called upon to administer to a woman who was possessed with the Devil she at times was dumb & greatly afflicted with the evil spirits that dwelt in her She believed in Jesus of Nazareth and in us as his servents, and wished us to ...
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    the Elders who laid their hands upon it and it was healed & I presented it whole to its Mother. It was healed by the power of God in the name of Jesus both children were healed and the parents prasied God for his goodf goodness. After leaving the Saints in this place we returned to Kingston crossed Lake Ontario in company with Isaac Russell ^John Goodson & John Snider^ who seemed constantly trouble with ...
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    A Pleasing Form, a generous gentle heart A good companion just without art Just in her dealings, faithful to her friend Beloved through Life, lamented in the end At the close of the day I walked 6 miles to Farmington where my Father Aphek Woodruff was living, and I had the happy privilege of on[c]e more meeting with my Father & Step Mother which I had not seen for some seven years they received me with great kindness and it was a happy meeting. After visiting my Father ...
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    me to her Fathers home in Scarboro Maine. Those who had assembled together to hear me speak were relatives, Neighbors, H former friends. After meeting we returned to Farmington to my Fathers home where I spent the night with my Father Mother Step Mother, Sister & wife Elder Hale was also with us, on the 19 July, Elder Hale left us to go to his friends in New Rowley Mass ...
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    & Sister and took stage for Hartford with my wife and on my arrival at Hartford not having money to pay the fare of both of us I paid the fare of my wife to Rowley Mass where there was a Branch of the Church presided over by Br Nathaniel Holmes Father of Johnathan & Milton Holmes and I journeyed on foot the first day 52 miles the 2nd 48, & the third day 302 mils and arrived at ...
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    about one year I spent 8 days with Father Carter & Household visiting the relatives & Saints in Scarboro and one day I went out into the sea with a B Fabyan & Ezra Carter my Brothers in Law in a boat to fish with hooks we caught 250 Cod Haddock & Hake and we saw four whales two at at a time, the first ^time^ in my life that I had ever seen that kind of a fish that swallowd Jonah. On the
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    Chapter 2nd A short history of Vinal Haven population, the persuit of the people, The introduction of the Gospel, and success in the same The Town of Vinal Haven includes both North and South Fox Islands in Lat 44 North and Long 69, 10 East population 1800. the inhabitants are intelegent, industrious & hospitable to strangers. The people get most of their wealth & living by fishing. The town fits out over 100 licensed sail besides smaller craft. North Fox Island is 9 miles long 2 miles wide pop ...
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    The[y] get their living entirely by fishing. There is a few garden patches under cultivation but at great expens, some sheep are kept upon the Island. Many of the inhabitants fish at New- Foundland, & bring the fish home and cure them on flakes and prepare them for Market, they supply the market with great quantities of Cod Mackerel and Boxed Herren. upon this Island there are two stores, three tide saw mills, six school houses, and a small branch of the Methodist Church ...
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    Monkfish, Nurshfish, sunfish, swordfish Thrasher, Cat, Scuppog, Tootog, Eye fish, Cunner, Ling, Eels, also Lobsters, Clams, Scollop Mussels Wincles, and porposes & seal &c &c Thus I have a brief account of Vinal Haven It was quite dark when we landed upon the shore shore at 2 oclock on the morning of the 20 of August ^without a farthing in money^. We made our way over the rocks & beaches the best we could untillw untill we found a home we landed without a farthing in money we rap[p]ed ...
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    Meeting house about two miles from there so we thanked her for her kindness and walked to the Meeting House and steped inside of the door and stood untill a Deacon came to the door I asked him to go & tell the Minister in the pupit that there was two servants of God at the door who had a message to deliver to that people & wished the privilege of delivering it. He sent word to us to come into the pulpit so we walked through the congregation with our valieces under our arms, and took a seat each ...
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    the Bible Book of Mormon & Doctrin & Covents and laid them on top of each other and took my seat Mr Newton took up the Books and looked at them but said Nothing I then asked him if there were any school houses on the Island he said there was four school houses I asked him if they were free to preach in he said yes they were Numbered from one to four at the time appointed Mr Douglass & family accompanied us to ...
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    of Christ and the ^ancient^ Apostles, with prophets & Apostles and the gifts of the Church, as anciently and that the Lord had brought forth the Book of Mormon. At the close of my remarks Elder Hale bore testimony, I gave liberty for any one to speak that wished no one spoke at the close I gave notice that we should hold meeting during the next four evenings in the school house beginning with No. 1. The first 13 days of our abode on the
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    his flock. The first two we baptized was a sea Captain & his wife by the name of Justis Eames Brother Johnathan H Hale went down into the sea and baptized them on Sunday the 3rd of Sept the first ever baptized upon any Island of the Sea in this dispensation to my knowledge, and on the next sabbath I baptized his Brother Ebenezar Eames another Sea Captain and a young Lady. Mr Newton the Baptist Minister now commenced a ...
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    but (I never learned what his sentiments were upon this subject at the end of his tearm of fourteen years ^imprisonment^ in the Thomastons penetentiary for a rape upon his daughter the judgment of which was given upon the testimony of both wife and daughter) I was present at & heard Mr Douglass in his discours upon the occasion and took minutes of the same when he closed I came and informed the people I would meet with them next Sunday in the meeting house & answer Mr Douglass and wished him as well as the ...
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    To the South Island and preached the Gospel to and baptized nearly all the members of his Church. The excitement became great upon both Islands, and on Sunday the 17 of Sept, I met a large assembly from both Islands in the Baptist Meeting house and took up the same subject that Mr Douglass had dwelt upon against the Book of mormon and our principles I spoke 2 1/2 hours and answered ery every objection against the Book of Mormon or Joseph Smith or ...
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    [page folded] of most of the inhabitants of the Islands while standing upon Mr Carvers farm on the East end of the north Island we counted 55 Islands some were inhabited but the majority of them were not, we also saw twenty ships under sail at the same time we had no lack for food while upon these Islands for if we did not wish to trouble any of our friends for a dinner we would borrow a spead or hoe & bucket & go onto the beach ...
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    , which followed him to England and the ^HCK & Oxford^ Twelve while administering to ^him^ at prestin England, had a severe contest with them as Heber C Kimball has related in his History When eleven years of age I had I dreamed that I saw the had a dream which made a great impression upon my mind. In this dream the final judgment was portrayed to me, and I saw hosts of persons depositing their riches ...
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    The ^W. Woodruffs^ Englands Missions of 1840 Joseph Smith the prophet asked the Lord what his will was concerning the Twelve, and the Lord answered in a revelation given July 8, 1838 in which the Lord says Let them take leave of my Saints in the City Far West on the 26 day of April next on the building spot of my Home saith the Lord, Let my servant John Taylor and also my ...