of Christ and the ^ancient^ Apostles, with prophets & Apostles
and the gifts of the Church, as anciently and that
the Lord had brought forth the . At the close of my remarks Elder
bore testimony, I gave liberty for any one to speak
that wished no one spoke at the close I gave
notice that we should hold meeting during the
next four evenings in the school house beginning
with No. 1. The first 13 days of our abode on the
we preached 17 discourses being invited by the
Inhabitants to tarry with them I left a copy
of the with Mr to
read which he did do and the bore testimony
testimony to him of its truths and he walked
his room till midnight trying to decide what
to do whether to receive or reject it and he with
his family attended about a dozen of my first meet-
ings then made up his mind contrary to the
dictation of the spirit of God to him, to reject it
and came out against me. But we commenced baptizing
of Christ and the ancient Apostles, with prophets & Apostles
and the gifts of the Church, as anciently and that
the Lord had brought forth the . At the close of my remarks Elder
bore testimony, I gave liberty for any one to speak
that wished no one spoke at the close I gave
notice that we should hold meeting during the
next four evenings in the school house beginning
with No. 1. The first 13 days of our abode on the
we preached 17 discourses being invited by the
Inhabitants to tarry with them I left a copy
of the with Mr to
read which he did do and the bore
testimony to him of its truths and he walked
his room till midnight trying to decide what
to do whether to receive or reject it and he with
his family attended about a dozen of my first meetings then made up his mind contrary to the
dictation of the spirit of God to him, to reject it
and came out against me. But we commenced baptizing