My parents were born and bred in the town of Farmington Hartford County Connecticut
My father Aphek Woodruff was the son of Eldad Woodruff My mother Bulah Thompson
was the daughter of Lot Thompson all of Farmington Con[necticut] The occupation of my father was
a miller from his youth. I was born in the North part of the town of EFarmington (now called Avon) Hartford County Connecticut on the 1st of March AD 1807. I was the third son of my
father and the last born of my mother who Died June 11th 1808. My father married Azubah Hart
for his second wife NOV 9th 1810. I followed the occupation of my father viz a miller untill the spring of 1832
at which time I moved to the town of Richland Oswego County N Y. and purchased a farm in company
with my eldest brother Azmon Woodruff and we resided together untill the spring of 1834. I was early
taught by my step mother and other friends, also by the word & Spirit of God that the Church of Christ was
in the wilderness that there had been a falling away from pure & undefiled religion before God and that
a great change was at hand. At the age of 23 I resolved by the grace of God assisting me to be led by the
word & Spirit of God into that truth that maketh free thereby. On hearing the fulness of the everlasting
gospel proclaimed by the Latter Day Saints I immediately embraced its truths with a glad heart and
after being baptized and receieveding the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost by
My parents were born and bred in the town of Farmington Hartford County Connecticut
My father Aphek Woodruff was the son of Eldad Woodruff My mother Bulah Thompson
was the daughter of Lot Thompson all of Farmington Cont The occupation of my father was
a miller from his youth. I was born in the north part of the town of Farmington (now called
Avon) Hartford County Connecticut on the 1st of March AD 1807. I was the third son of my
father and the last born of my mother who Died June 11th 1808. My father married Azubah Hart
for his Second wife NOV 9th 1810. I followed the occupation of my father viz a miller untill the spring of 1832
at which time I moved to the town of Richland Oswego County NY. and purchased a farm in company
with my eldest brother Azmon Woodruff and we resided together untill the spring of 1834. I was early
taught by my step mother and other friends, also by the word & spirit of God that the church of Christ was
in the wilderness that there had been a falling away from pure & undefiled religion before God and that
a great change was at hand. At the age of 23 I resolved by the grace of God assisting me to be led by the
word & spirit of God into that truth that maketh free thereby. On hearing the fulness of the everlasting
gospel proclaimed by the Latter Day Saints I immediately embraced its truths with a glad heart and
after being baptized and receieveing the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost by
"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," p. 11, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025,