some letters directed by Asahel to him distance of the day 20 miles
~ Sunday
25th Sunday I was exeeding feeble & weak & the weather was hot & it had an effect upon me the
Thermoneter stood 90 in the shade 112 in the sun. I walked to the grave Yard to visit Br Asahels grave
it exhausted me much. I spent the day at the doctors. I wrote 2 letters one to Sister Sarah B Foss & the other to Sister Eunice I had a vary restless night
278 We rode through Williamstown & pleasant garden & other towns & spent the night 33 29th Elder Taylor had a poor turn & fainted to the ground he soon recoverd & was well at evening
~ Thursday
29th We passed through Indianapolis the capitol of the state rode two miles & stoped. But this was
a gloomy day to my soul & body both. Tehe enemy made a powerful grasp upon the life of Elder ^John^ Taylor he fainted several times & it seemed as though he would die. We were oblieged to stop
we called for a few hours in a house by the way side. we then took him into the waggon & drove
to Elder Eldridge & spent the day nursing Elder Taylor he took a course of Thompsonian medicine 10
~ Friday
30. Father Coltrin exchanged horses with Elder Eldridge. Br Taylor let Br Eldridge have 100 of his pamph-
lets & through the mercy of God Elder Taylor with the rest of us was enabled to start on onur
Journey. we passed through Cumberland, Greenfield, Kentstown, Middletown, & to Louisville & once
more had the privilege of seeing the family of Elder James Townsend, was not at home himself
we spent the night with his family. Elder Taylor & myself was both about sick for we had rode
40 miles over a rough road & we were terribly shaken in our weak state 420 m
~ Saturday
31st We still felt disposed to try to continued our Journey we passed through Cambridge & Dublin
at which place Elder Taylor procured some medicine of Dr Farnham he was vary sick we
continued to Germantown & was oblieged to stop & spend the day & night in consequence of
some letters directed by Asahel to him distance of the day 20 miles
~ Sunday
25th Sunday I was exeeding feeble & weak & the weather was hot & it had an effect upon me the
Thermoneter stood 90 in the shade 112 in the sun. I walked to the grave Yard to visit Br Asahels grave
it exhausted me much. I spent the day at the doctors. I wrote 2 letters one to sister Sarah B Foss & the
[FIGURE] other to sister Eunice I had a vary restless night
28 We rode through Williamstown & pleasant garden & other towns & spent the night 33
Elder Taylor had a poor turn & fainted to the ground he soon recovered & was well at evening
~ Thursday
29th We passed through Indianapolis the capitol of the state rode two miles & stoped. But this was
a gloomy day to my soul & body both. The enemy made a powerful grasp upon the life of Elder
John Taylor he fainted several times & it seemed as though he would die. we were oblieged to stop
we called for a few hours in a house by the way side, we then took him into the waggon & drove
to Elder Eldridge & spent the day nursing Elder Taylor he took a course of Thompsonian medicine 10
~ Friday
30. Father Coltrin exchanged horses with Elder Eldridge. Br Taylor let Br Eldridge have 100 of his pamphlets & through the mercy of God Elder Taylor with the rest of us was enabled to start on our
Journey. we passed through Cumberland. Greenfield, Kentstown, Middletown, & to Louisville & once
more had the privilege of seeing the family of Elder James Townsend, was not at home himself
we spent the night with his family. Elder Taylor & myself was both about sick for we had rode
40 miles over a rough road & we were terribly shaken in our weak state 40 m
~ Saturday
31st We still felt disposed to try to continued our Journey we passed through Cambridge & Dublin
at which place Elder Taylor procured some medicine of Dr Farnham he was vary sick we
continued to Germantown & was oblieged to stop & spend the day & night in consequence of
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," August 24, 1839 - August 31, 1839, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025,