Dec 15th Sunday I spent the day with the Saints in the Columbian Hall No 263 Grand st &
preached in the fore part of the day, & Elder Taylor preached in the Afternoon, & P P Pratt
preached in the evening. I spent the night with Br Taylor at Br Holmes
~ Monday
16th I went on board the packet ship Oxford & engaged my Passage to Liverpool to
sail on the 19thinst. I also wrote a letter to Father & Mother Carter I spent the evening in making preperations for our departure 6 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
17 I wrote A letter to Phebe, containing a short address to Br & Sister Smoot
I attended a meeting at night at the house of Br Nizbot in Houston Street. we
had a spiritual meeting. P. P. PrattProphesyed that the History of this mission of the
twelve should be known unto all Nations. I spent the night at Br Simons 2 m
~ Wednesday
18th I laboured hard all day to prepaire for our voyage. three of us got our baggage on
board viz Elders TaylorTurley & myself Elders Turley & myself sleped on board 4
~ Thursday
[FIGURE]Dec 19th 18439 The Packet Ship Oxford moved out into the stream with us on board
& the day was spent amid the greatest confusion & bustle that I ever witnessed
for they had taken many more passengers than births to lodge in & the cabin
was stuffed full of chests boxes barrels beds &c & many quarrelling for what they called
their rights
~ Friday
20th Bustle & confusion is not over the ship is still at anchor. At 12 oclok she spread her
canvass & set sail assisted a few miles by a steem Boat. She sailed well through the day
The Oxford had on board 64 steerage & 15 cabin Passengers, Capt John Rathbone, 1st
Mate Yates, 2nd Jones, 1 carpenter, 26 sailors, making 109 souls in all. fare for steerage $15,
cabin $1.40 including wines $1.20 without.
~ Sunday
Dec 15th Sunday I spent the day with the saints in the Columbian Hall No 263 Grand st &
Preached in the fore part of the day, & Elder Taylor Preached in the afternoon, & P P Pratt
Preached in the evening. I spent the night with Br Taylor at Br Holmes
~ Monday
16th I went on board the Packet ship Oxford & engaged my Passage to Liverpool to
sail on the 19th inst. I also wrote a letter to Father & Mother Carter. I spent the
[FIGURE] evening in making preperations for our departure 6 m
~ Tuesday
17 [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Phebe, containing a short address to Br & Sister Smoot
I attended a meeting at night at the house of Br Nizbot in Houston Street, we
had a spiritual meeting. P P Pratt Prophesyed that the history of this mission of the
twelve should be known unto all Nations. I spent the night at Br Simons 2 m
~ Wednesday
18th I laboured hard all day to prepare for our voyage, three of us got our baggage on
board viz Elders TaylorTurley & myself Elders Turley & myself sleped on board 4
~ Thursday
Dec 19th 1839 The Packet Ship Oxford moved out into the stream with us on board
& the day was spent amid the greatest confusion & bustle that I ever witnessed
for they had taken many more passengers than births to lodge in & the cabin
was stuffed full of chests boxes barrels beds &c & many quarrelling for what they called
their rights
~ Friday
20th Bustle & confusion is not over the ship is still at anchor. At 12 oclok she spread her
canvass & set sail assisted a few miles by a Steem Boat. She sailed well through the day
The Oxford had on board 64 steerage & 15 cabin Passengers. Capt John Rathbone, 1st
Mate Yates, 2nd Jones, 1 carpenter, 26 sailors, making 109 souls in all, fare for steerage $15,
cabin $1.40 including wines $1.20 without.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," December 15, 1839 - December 20, 1839, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025,