Sept 12th I spent the day at father Carters in packing up the last remains of our goods I carried
the most of our goods to Sister Sarah Foss's whare the Saints or camp will spend the night when
they arive. Icabod C. Foss was expecting to go to Zion with us he is a son of Sister Sarah Foss but
old Mr Foss opposed him to such a degree that it was thought best for him to tarry.
~ Thursday
13 we have had a hard rain during the day. Besides many favoredrs bestowed upon us from father Carter he gave Phebe one hundred dollars for which sum we both signed an article or writing
that we were satisfied & would hold no further claim to any of his real estate or personal property
~ Friday
14th I accompanied Father Carter & Brother Fabyan, with Abial Carter & Timothy Roth & some others in a
fish boat out into the bay for a fishing tour. the morning was plesasent after the storm but a high
sea we dug a quantity of clams for bait & launched forth into the deep, after beeating two miles
we hove to, cast anchor & caught a small quantity of fish mostly Haddock; we then sailed to a
point of Land & built up a fire hung on a pot, fried out some pork & dressed 6 Haddock & one Hake
& put them into the pot we sliced in some popatoes & put in a quantity of crackers & by adding some
seasoning & boiling it untill it was thoroughly cooked it formed as rich a dish as would be necessary
to set before a King. this kind of a dish is what seaman or fisherman call a [FIGURE] chouder we all sat
down & ate uncommonly hearty, useing clam shells for knives, forks, & spoons. after finishing our feast
we again went out about a mile from shore & spent several hours more in fishing. we caught a
great variety of fish such as cod, pollock, Hake, Haddock, Mackerel, Cunner, Flounders, Sculpin, pout,
& Skate, &c. We hoisted sail & started for home about the siting of the sun we arived at father
Carters about 8 oclock PM & spent the night. oOur babe passed a sick night with the Hooping cough. 20 m[iles]
~ Saturday
15 My mind is in some suspens because the camp does not arive from the Islands neither do I hear any thin[g]
from them by letter the time has past for them to have arived however I am looking for them daily
I spent part of the day in writing while most of the household have gone to the beach for a mornings
ride. I have this morning receieved the returns of the late Election throughout the state of Maine. Mr Fairfield the democratic candidate is elected Governovr over Mr Kent by about 4000 majority
~ Wednesday
Sept 12th I spent the day at father Carters in packing up the last remains of our goods I carried
the most of our goods to Sister Sarah Foss's whare the saints or camp will spend the night when
they arive. Icabod C. Foss was expecting to go to Zion with us he is a son of sister Sarah Foss but
old Mr Foss opposed him to such a degree that it was thought best for him to tarry.
~ Thursday
13 We have had a hard rain during the day. Besides many favorers bestowed upon us from father
Carter he gave Phebe one hundred dollars for which sum we both signed an article or writing
that we were satisfied & would hold no further claim to any of his real estate or personal property
~ Friday
14th I accompanied Father Carter & Brother Fabyan, with Abial Carter & Timothy Roth & some others in a
fish boat out into the bay for a fishing tour. the morning was pleasent after the storm but a high
sea we dug a quantity of clams for bait & launched forth into the deep, after beating two miles
we hove to, cast anchor & caught a small quantity of fish mostly Haddock's we then sailed to a
point of Land & built up a fire hung on a pot, fried out some pork & dressed 6 Haddock & one Hake
& put them into the pot we sliced in some popatoes & put in a quantity of crackers & by adding some
seasoning & boiling it untill it was thoroughly cooked it formed as rich a dish as would be necessary
to set before a King, this kind of a dish is what seaman or fisherman call a chouder we all sat
down & ate uncommonly hearty, useing clam shells for knives, forks, & spoons, after finishing our feast
we again went out about a mile from shore & spent several hours more in fishing, we caught a
great variety of fish such as Cod, Pollock, Hake, Haddock, Mackerel, Cunner, Flounders, Sculpin, pout,
& Skate, &c. We hoisted sail & started for home about the siting of the sun we arived at father
Carters about 8 oclock PM & spent the night. Our babe passed a sick night with the Hooping cough. 20 m
~ Saturday
15 My mind is in some suspens because the camp does not arive from the Islands neither do I hear any thing
from them by letter the time has past for them to have arived however I am looking for them daily
I spent part of the day in writing while most of the household have gone to the beach for a mornings
ride. I have this morning receieved the returns of the late Election throughout the state of Maine. Mr Fairfield the
democratic candidate is elected Governor over Mr Kent by about 4000 majority
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," September 12, 1838 - September 15, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,