we took cars at 7 oclock
for PortlandMistakeabt
about ticketsAsahel was
supposed to have got the tickets
but there was Nothing said
to him about it but when
we got aboard we Met with MrE Burly whoo is the
superintndet of the Road
He gave us passes & both
tickets so we got along we
travelld all night Direc
tly we travelld all Day in
terrible Dus[t] & all night
^[Distance]^ in the Midst of Terrible Dust
we arived at Portland in the
Morning I find I takfeel better
Page 6
~ Saturday
we took breakfast at the Portland Hotel I wrote
6 [FIGURE] Letter to Ovando, OwenBlanche & Jack
& told him the mistake
Mad[e] in Not preparing Asahel
with tickets we spent the
day at the portland Hotel
we went on board of
the State of Calafornia
at 8 oc and saild through
the Night quite smoothly
~ Sunday
16 ^Sunday^ quite cloudy we took
breakfast at 8 [oc]
sea rather smooth we
saw som whals we had
a rather smooth sea all
the way I find I can
both eat & sleep
Page 7
~ Monday
Monday Mony 17 Sunday
quite a plesant Day Many
large flying gulls follow
the steamer it became foggy
ne[a]r night they blew the
Fog Horns we Met quite a Mob
at the wharf we had all we could
do to get through them we
got to palace Hotel at 9:30
~ Tuesday
18 ^Tuesday^ We changed room this
Morning the price for room &
board for AsahelMa & myself
is $13 a day $91 a week
~ Wednesday
Wednesday 19, We took carriage
in the Morning & rode to the [blank]
& viewed Many places a forest occupied
with almost all kinds of birds & squirrels
we saw a plane Lilly, the Leaves as large
as a big wash tub there were but
very few in the America we travelled
over much ground & saw Much
19. I wrote to J. F. Smithwe
^20^ rode to the cliff & saw
the seals
19 we road to the park
& sea shore
~ Thursday
20 we took cars &
went to the Cliff House
& saw the great Number
of Sea Lions on the rock
it was very interesting to
see their great seal that
would weigh from 10 to 1500 [FIGURE] I recd 2 Letters from Mary & Elias Woodruff
I wrote [FIGURE] 3 Letter to Wilford– Owen & Alice & sent Elias letter
to his father in the Letter I wrote to
him All the comp[an]y but myself
have gone out to day Brother Cannon has gone to se if He can learn
learn any thing from the Rail Road
about the Letter sent him with
our transportation tickets which
have miscarreighd
~ Saturday
22 Ella calld upon us in
the Morning with her babe
Bill at palace Hotel$765
$66,70 Aug 22 [18]96 for 13 days
Page 10
~ Saturday
22 Aug
We paid our Bill at the palace & took cars for Monteray Had a vary
interesting Jorny of 124
Miles A vast amount of fruit
orchards the Most of which are
Prunes Monterey is one of
the Most interesting places
in America esspecialy the
flower Garden We had an
interview with Col Trumbo A Badlam & Judge Esstee
We spent the night at Monte-
~ Sunday
23 Sunday We took a walk
through the Gardens the Arizona
Garden was the Most interesting
We saw two centoory [century] plants
in Bloom I seemd to have
taken cold and settld all th[ro]ugh
my system
Page 11
~ Monday
24 Aug for the first time in
years I see & hear crows in the
trees Near the Hotel we took
a carriage & Road through Monterey & took carriage
& road through the pacific
Drive grove Cypress Grove the ownly
one in the World so the Driver
said said the Stranded Steamer
on the Rock We Drove through
the p[e]aceful [Inprains] Land of 7000 Acres we passd through
a Heard of Large ground squirls
a great Number of them we
had a [view] of thousands of the
pelicans & other large Birds on
a high ridge of rocks in the
sea we stoped & bought some
sea shells of a Chinese Girl on
the road side
Page 12
~ Tuesday
Aug 25
Brothers Cannon & Asahel
& myself took carr & rode
to the city of Monterey and
highered a fish Boat paid $5
& road to sea opposite of
the lake ground & fished with
Hooks all day we caught about
200 rock fish & one rock cod
of about 3 lbs weight we caught
one rock fish of about 5 lbs most
of the fish were vry small Brothe
Cannon professed Never to be
a Fisherman but He caught his
share today Asahel Hooked a
Halabut but Lost him He
would weigh 25 lb.
~ Wednesday
26 I spent most all
day at the palace we
had a paper race in
the Afternoon
we took cars in the
Morning & rode to San Fran
Cisco 125 Miles we w left
to the Baths we then took
cars for Loss Angels rode
all Night I did not sleep
any I done to Much yester-
~ Friday
28 we got up in
the Morning & travelled
through the Most romantic
country I ever saw Near
half of the way was through
tunnels they last a
Mile to the bottom of
valley it is called Tehachapi
the sun shone through This
in the Highest Elevation
we reached the same as Salt
Lake It is the roughest
peace of rail road
Page 14
~ Friday
I ever travelled for 70
Miles I ever travelled
we have passed 90 Miles
of rough road we
took breakfast at Hoave's
We passed through Loss
Angles at [FIGURE] 1 30 And
though [Santaanna] 3.15
we saw the old [Missis]
on San wan in Capisstar-
no. we came to seaside
at 10 Minutes to 5 oclock
~ Saturday
Aug 29 we went out on the
pear [pier] got a fish pole [long] could
not hold any thing ownly Asahel
caught a small [stingcreo] I spent
Most of the Day [reading] the Money
One of the Most important
Dams in America. I spent the day
in my room
~ Monday
31. Aug Several of our Brethren
Met with us to go out on a
fishing excursion. They were Olef Hammer & wife Elders P T Wright
& wifeE. A. BushmanJoseph A Barry
& Miss Cooper of San DiegoCapt Paulson
took myself ^Emma^ President Cannon & wife
with the rest of our company abov
Named Capt Paulson with his Little
steamer carried by gassotine
took us on board & went
out to sea with us on to the
fishing Grounds about 8 miles
~ Sunday
[upside-down text] Asahel H Woodruff went Sunday
Night & Met with the Saints in
Sandiego & Addressed them for
about one hour Aug 30. on the
gospel & had an interesting Meeting [end of upside-down text]
Page 16
~ Monday
Aug 31, [18]96
The Captain tied 5 lines to the stern
of the Steamer & gave me the centre
line These lines were for trolling for
fish they were about 200 feet long
the Hooks were without baarbs and
fastened with fine wire onto a
white bone we did not use
any beat [bait] at all the fish seeing
the white bone grabed it [it stalls]
it was the Most interesting
fishing I Ever had in my
life we fished about 2 Hours & caught
some 600 lbs of fish they were spanish Mackerels yellow tails
And Baracuda I caught
the Largest Mackerel would weig[h]
some 12 to 15 lbs. They kept us very
busy for a whileEmma caught
quite a Number of them & helpt
me Haul in quite a Number of my
Page 17
~ Monday
The fish that we caught
would Measure near 3 feet in
length it was the Most exciting
look fishing I ever was in
They were put into the Hands
of our Friends who went with
us I think they gave most
of them away to their
acquaintances we were some
what weary when we got to
our quarters
~ Tuesday
Sept 1, Tuesday Morning
we took car & rode
to Loss Angels & stoped at
the Hollonbeck Hotel Distance
of the Day [blank] After Dinner all
the company but myself went
out on a ride to see the
country [FIGURE]I wrotea Letter
to Owen& gave him an account of
our fishing trip and sent him
an Account of the Same from a
Sept 2nd we look & rode to Passaden to to visit the Orange
& Lemon Grove that cover thousands
of Acres we took a carrage
& rode 2 ½ hours through the Groves
of Orange Lemon & Pepper trees
some of the pepper trees were mor
than 2 feet though the best of the
Trees have ripe green, & Bloom
pepper through the year At the
close of our visit we took cars
& returned to San barnadeno
Distance of the Day 20 Miles
at 2,40 we took cars to Catalena We traveled about 30 M[iles] ^on cars^
^I [sta]^ took Steam
boat & travelled to the Island 4& spent the night
~ Friday
4 we took a small elected
Steamer with 2 Men, & Brother
Cannon & Asahel & myself on
board we travelled on the East
side of the Island 9 Miles
Page 20
~ Friday
Sept 4
we travelled with Lines 125 feet
at the Stearn of the boat & we caught
several Spanish Mackerel I caught
2 & there & Brother Cannon[w] 1
we went on to the Jew fish ground
but caught None they weigh
from 100 to 400 lbs we next anchored
on a rock 1/2 Mile Long & 300 yards
wide and it is 600 feet Deep to
the rock we cannot Anchor but the Captain Labors to keep over the
rock we used lines 600 feet
long & at the end is fastened
about 1 Doz short lines & hooks
& on the end of the Line fastened
a rock about 3 lbs weight to
sink the hook these Hooks were
beated [baited] with sardines we cast
over these Lines & Asahels got
caught in the Stenn Stern of the
Page 21
~ Friday
steemer & lost the whole 600
feet the one I had went to
the bottom & it was 2to hard
work for me to hall up 20 or
30 lbs of fish 600 feet I ownly
pulled up once & had but
2 on with some 12 or 15 lb weght
of fish & ^2 from^ the Stone. I gave it
to Asahel the Ca Man with
us Jams Gardner helped him
about beating & Letting Down
the line He ownly Halled up
twice D and brought up 6 fish
which would weigh about 40 lbs
the Next time He had 4 on about 25lbs it takes a long time to
Make a Hall the fish will weigh
from 6 to 8 lb Nearly as red as Blood & they are all Dead when
they got to the top of the water with
their bladders steady out of their
Page 22
~ Friday
Sept 4 I got 2 Letters
Mouths it is such a great
Distance to haul them up they are
said to be good to eat the Name
of this fish is Grouper there
must be thousands upon the rock
for the Hooks are taken as soon
as they strike the rock the fisherman
Does not have to wait but
a minute o 2two before He puls
up his Line after Making 3
Halls we left for Home the sea
was very rough Presidt Cannon
was sick a good Deal of the
Day I was not sick at all
Distance of the Day I should guage
to be about 30 Mils
~ Saturday
5 I had a bad night Did not
sleep Well I Rested to day The
company went out on the
water in a glass Bottom Boat
Page 23
~ Saturday
They gave a very interesting
History of it I spent most
of the Day in my room reading
the Steamer came in
in the evening I saw most
of the people of the place went
to the shore when the Steamer
came in
~ Sunday
6 Sunday I rode out in the
morning with AsahelEmma
& Sister Cannon in the Glass Bottom boat and in 50 & 60 feet
of water we could see evary
thing on the water to the
bottom clerly & I learned one
important thing that I never
Knew before this Kelp that
floats on the sea grows in
a forest on the bottom of
the sea like a forest of timber
and we saw large trees
of it 50 feet under water
with branchs growing out from
the Main body like limbs
& we could see all the fish
swimming in the midst
of this Kelp we saw more
Gold fish in the Midst of the
kelp than any other kind [FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to Owen giving
him an accont of our fishing and
that we would Start home tomorrow
The two steamer both Left
the Island Asahel went to
the congregational Meeting
~ Monday
7 Emma was sick through
the night with the [Diarrhes]
7. we took breakfast at 6
Island is 22 Miles Long
from 1/2 to 8 miles wide
entirely Mountainous barely
Page 25
~ Monday
room to set a House
we took steamer & rode
to Loss Angels 40 Miles we
stop & took Dinner at our
Former Hotel We then parted
with o[u]r Mormon Friends
& we took cars for Home
we rode through the Day &
Night I had a very bad night
I suffered much through the
Night I did not sleep at all &
got up & Dressed & slept a short
Sept 7. we rode to trucy had
to wait for a team of cars
to come in for us to take
we went on for [Slaclor] where there was
a farm
Page 26
~ Tuesday
8 Sept We traveled through
the Day through Deserts Hills
& plains. I had a [ very ever are]
sick Night I hav not
slept 30 Minutes in 48 Hours
~ Wednesday
9 I arrived this Morning
sick we traveled u in Utah on to Ogden & on to Salt Lake Distance on this Journey 1280 Miles.
~ Thursday
10 I went to the office got 6 Letters
1 from Bell Moses I wrote her one
& sent her $5 we went to the Temple
& spent 2 Hours I was poorly through
the Day
~ Friday
11. I spent the Day in the office Met
with a Number of the Brethren The Mining
Company had a Meeting I wrote a Letter [FIGURE] & To Newton & sent $10 to David $5 for WW & $5 for Owen
Page 27
~ Friday
11 We had word this Morning from
Wells Fargo & co that we must pay
them Now soon some $60000
[FIGURE] I wrote to Mrs Wm Woodruff
& Answered the same {shorthand}
some $160,000 payment {shorthand}
~ Saturday
12 Saturday I spant to day at home
~ Sunday
13 I spent the day at home Resting &
was Attacked with Diarhea which
Lasted through the night
~ Monday
14 I was bad this Morning but went
to the office and we were all full
of Business on our Debts I had $60
I turned that over to Br Jack to help
as far as it went to help pay the Interest on our Note I received [FIGURE] a Letter from Jesse T Moses saying
the company had started G Q C
gave us checks to the Amount of
to help pay interest written up to
Date in journal
To Emma [$30]
W.W. — [$20]
$445 [+] 30 [+] 20 = $504
Page 157
[upside-down text]
Aug 14
paid Asahel cost $15
Aug 21 paid Asahel $30
Aug 22 paid Asahel $100
Aug 26 paid Asahel $100
245.00 [-] 182.20 = $62.80
Aug 26 Asahel Har— [$62.80]
Sept 3 paid Asahel $100
Total to Asahel $345
Sept 7 paid Asahel $50.
[end of upside-down text]
Page 158
[upside-down text] in the spirit world as a pure & Holy
Apostle from Zion in the Rocky Moun-
tains. A Labor which would not
ownly prove a great Benefit to
his Fathers Household but to the
Church and Kingdom of God on the
Earth)) The spirit of God rested
upon me at the closeee of this
Manifestation in a powerful maner
and bore Testimony to me of the
truth of the revelation to me of the
truth of the revelation to me
concerning Abram H Cannon
copied in my Journal [end of upside-down text]
Page 159
[upside-down text] while in San fransisco on the nght
of Tuesday Aug 18 I was very much
troubled in the fore part of the night with
evil spirits that tried to Afflict
me finally a spirit visted me that
seemed to have power of the evil spirits
and they departed from me
And I
had concluded not to Attend
the Mormon Meeting for testimony
in this city but this spirit said
to me it was Wisdom for us all
to attend the Testimony Meeting as
the Saints knew we were here
& if we did not attend it would
have an unpleasant effect upon the Saints so I concluded to Attend
This same spirit said to me
in its communication to me
Not to grieve because of the
Depature of Abram Hoagland Cannon
for the Lord had called him to
fill a vary important Mission [end of upside-down text]
Page 160
Aug 15 put in pass Book
22 put in pocket $10
[upside-down text]
Aug 15 Paid cash to Asahel of
Asahel $15