Your kind letter of Aug 22nd has been received
and read with great pleasure. Was sorry to hear
of the condition of little Asahel & have remembered
in my prayers which is all that I can
do so far from him. I sincerely trust he has
recovered. Pa your letters always are a source
of great pleasure to me & I can not express
my thanks to you. No matter who forgets to write
to me Fathers letters come along about every week
& written in your own hand. No one writes as
much as you do & I can not thank you enough
that you are so kind & always remember me.
I know Ma remembers me to but she has so much
to do that I cant expect her to write as often as
I should like to hear from her. In regard to
your writeing: Of course I can read it & there is
only a word here & there that ever troubels me
& it I soon find out what that is. You just
write & I will assure you your letters will be
read. Regarding them being private, will say no
one sees your letters but myself. What you said
about my Carriage that is all right to keep it if
you want to but you should see that the top
is up, that the wheels stand on boards & that
the Canvass cover is spread over it to shelter it
from dust. My eyes have given me no trouble
since I had them treated & commenced to wear
glasses to read & write. The Dr. told me (as I
think I told Ma in one of my letters) that
my eyes were strained & that I must not read
or write for six weeks or else use glasses. I
prefered the latter as I felt that my eyes would
never stand the reading I wish to do without
glassess. Since that time I have had no trouble & have
done a great deal reading. According to your instructions
I read the Doctrine & Cov. through; have read most
of the books of the New Testemant & considerable beside
this in the bBible, also "The Voice of Warning," "Parley P.
Pratts works," The Pearl of Great Price, and a great
many Sermons in the Semi News and always read
my "Stern" through once or twice which comes once
in two weeks. My reading is all German except
Parley P. Pratt's Works & my Deseret News.
I always read the Sermons delivered at the Tabernackle
many times in English & German both. Last evening
I read an Epistle you wrote on to the Saint's while
you were in St. George; I think at least while
you were on the "Under Ground." I found it in
one of the Old "Stern's." Stern is the paper published
by the Swiss & German Mission the same as the
"Star" in Liverpool.
Some times it appears that our work was all
most in vain to try to bring the people of this
country to an acceptance of the Gospel but it is
[sideways text] Jake & Will send best love
[end sideways text]
"Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 10 September 1894," p. 1, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 2, 2024,