Day in the Life

Sep 10, 1894

Journal Entry

September 10, 1894 ~ Monday

10 I mailed a Letter to Owen this morning with Letter
^ A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box^ from Father Mother Blanche & Alice Prest G. Q. Cannon
returned home this morning from the Irrigation
in Denver


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2287 mentions
Woodruff, Mary Alice McEwan
2 Jan 1879 - 14 Jan 1916
216 mentions
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
282 mentions


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Letter from Friedrich Gilgen Sr., 10 September 1894

Logan City the . To the first Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Dear Sir! In answer to your willcome Letter datet August the 19. i must tell you that i am very glad to by called to go on one mission to Europa. I cane not tell you the month i will by ready to go, not befor next spring. I never been on one Mission I ever. With assuance of my hihest concideracia your Obidient Ser^v^ant in the Gospel Fred Gilgen. William Hyde Bp

Letter from George Lionel Farrell, 10 September 1894

Smithfield . Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: Brother Erick P. Erickson who was called on a mission to Europe one year ago, has been preparing to go ever since the call came, saved his money and placed it in the Bank for safe keeping, but some time this last Spring he took a severe cold, and it has turned to the Dispepsia, and has kept him feeling very poorly all the Summer and still is very poorly. He came to me this last week and told me that he thought he would start anyhow & if he continued poorly he could return again, but I tell him that him that we had better hear from you first, as it would not be best for

Letter from Hyrum Johnson, 10 September 1894

Beaver Pres Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Your letter of the 5th inst was received a few days since, to which I will endeavor to make a reply It affords me pleasure to know I am ^concidered^ worthy to fill such a responsible position and with the help of the Lord I will try to fill it honorably. My circumstances are such that at present I scarcely know how to raise the means as money is so hard to get hold of! but I have property that I am willing

Letter from John Wesley Chipman, 10 September 1894

American Fork, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Respected Brother. We the undersigned Viz., Alonzo F. Smith and Arthur Dickerson having received notification asking our feelings reguarding takeing missions to Tahiti we report ourselves willing to respond and will be ready at the appointed time. Alonzo F Smith Arthur Dicherson Also we W. S. Chipman, Jno. W. Chipman, Orson A. Misener, and Emmett J. Robinson having received notifications concerning us takeing missions to the Southern States report our willingness to accept and will be on hand at the time appointed. Respectfully, J. W. Chipman W. S. Chipman O. A. Misener E. J. Robinson Very good. J. F. S.

Letter from Samuel Jackson Jr., 10 September 1894

Manassa Presedent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of August 4th to hand, and it contents noted I do accept the call and will be on hand at the appointed time. Yours Respectfully Samuel Jackson, Jr This is all right Albert R. Smith Pres. of Stake O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Willis E. Robson, 10 September 1894

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter of 3rd inst at hand I was pleased to receive your letter notifying us to call two of our young men to the B. Y. A., but as your letter did not reach us untill the 3 of Sept. I do not know as it will be wise to call them know. We have two young men that will go and if you see fit to call them now allright. You you use your judgment as to that. I recomend to you Bro. Ephram Blackburn, first

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 10 September 1894

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dearest Father: Your kind letter of Aug 22nd has been received and read with great pleasure. Was sorry to hear of the condition of little Asahel & have remembered in my prayers which is all that I can do so far from him. I sincerely trust he has recovered. Pa your letters always are a source of great pleasure to me & I can not express my thanks to you. No matter who forgets to write to me Fathers letters come along about every week & written in your own hand. No one writes as much as you do & I can not thank you enough that you are so kind & always remember me. I know Ma remembers me to but she has so much to do that I cant expect her to write as often as I should like to hear from her. In regard to your writeing: Of course I can read it & there is only a word here & there that ever troubels me & it I soon find out what that is. You just write & I will assure you your letters will be read. Regarding them being private, will say no one sees your letters but myself. What you said about my Carriage that is all right to keep it if you want to but you should see that the top is up, that the wheels stand on boards & that the Canvass cover is spread over it to shelter it from dust. My eyes have given me no trouble since I had them treated & commenced to wear glasses to read & write. The Dr. told me (as I think I told Ma in one of my letters) that my eyes were strained & that I must not read or write for six weeks or else use glasses. I prefered the latter as I felt that my eyes would never stand the reading I wish to do without glassess. Since that time I have had no trouble & have done a great deal reading. According to your instructions I read the Doctrine & Cov. through; have read most of the books of the New Testemant & considerable beside this in the bBible, also "The Voice of Warning," "Parley P. Pratts works," The Pearl of Great Price, and a great many Sermons in the Semi News and always read my "Stern" through once or twice which comes once in two weeks. My reading is all German except Parley P. Pratt's Works & my Deseret News. I always read the Sermons delivered at the Tabernackle many times in English & German both. Last evening I read an Epistle you wrote on to the Saint's while you were in St. George; I think at least while you were on the "Under Ground." I found it in one of the Old "Stern's." Stern is the paper published by the Swiss & German Mission the same as the "Star" in Liverpool. Some times it appears that our work was all most in vain to try to bring the people of this country to an acceptance of the Gospel but it is [sideways text] Jake & Will send best love [end sideways text]

Letter from Oliver Christiansen, 10 September 1894

Levan [18]94 To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints. Wilford Woodruff Geo Q. Cannon Jos F. Smith Dear Brethern, Your favor of Sep. 7th to hand. In reply can say I except the Sunday School miss- ionary ^call^ and will be in Provo the date mamed (Jan. 7th 1895) Your Brother in the Gosple Oliver Christiansen OK. J. F. S.

Letter from David King Udall, 10 September 1894

Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother, On August 1st 1894 Apostle Young wrote me as follows, "Have laid Brother Lee's letters before the Presidency and they expressed themselves very sorry to learn how matters stood, especially the neglect with which Bro. Lee had been treated". The Presidency said "Bro. David Lee may consider himself called on a mission and when ever he reports he is ready to go, we will assign his field." "If David has any choice of land or country I presume there will be no objection raised to it." I forwarded Apostle Young's letter to Bro Lee and he accepted the call as you will see by the enclosed letter from him Bro. Lee has been waiting some two years and a half for an appointment as he was notified of a mission that long ago. He is financially able to fill a mission and his business is so arranged that he can start at once. Please see that his Licence is sent immediaty so that he can obtain ministers rates in case you desire him


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Sep 10, 1894