you are a good people but their is great room for imp-
rovement in this city. the last one that we visited. I would like to see this people in good houses & gardens
& in good forts. now when you come to the conference
you all vote to sustain President Young now you have got
to honour this man he holds the of the kingdom of God
and sustain him or the Lord will not save & exhalt
you in his kingdom. I pray that you may do right & serve the LordI ask it inthe nameof JesusChristAmen
President Young arose and said I am willing to say a few
words If the Latter Day Saints cannot become one hart &
mind & work in their temporal things which they do
understand they cannot become one in Eternal things which
they cannot understand. If you would too [do] as you are told then
all would be right when the Lord requires any thing
at your hands dont ask any questions but go to & do as
you are counselled to do you may ask is their any danger
of the Indians you do not always know what danger you
are in but always do as you are told & then you are
~ Saturday
Saturday 6th Rode to ^Battle Creek 3 mils^ provo 12 mils spent the Sabbath and held a meeting with the people Sunda President Young arose & said that I am
not in the habit of taking a text but I will now take
for my text the last line that was sung "God is his
own interpetor" He will make all things plain but do the
people understand those things which are for usour good
the Lord will not explain all things unto us whe under
stands but he will make his people walk by faith He
will not explain all his mistaries to the people we read in the
New Testament that faith is the assurance of things hoped
for & the evidence of things not seen [Hebrews 11:1] have we all got
faith it is our duty to have itfaith in God & his word & promises
you have to trust in God. He will not reveal all things u[n]to
us some men are tried will the counsel given & will
not obey they will not have glory in the kingdom of
God they are bastards & not sons [Hebrews 12:8] the Lord intends
for the people to be tried so as to prove the faithful
What God does reveal He reveals for the purpose of
leading men in the way of salvation the people do not
know the way of the Lord they come here and
say I am going to build myself up I have to work so hard
I cannot get time to pray but are you doing right when
you do this we may labour to get all things abot us yet
the Lord will controll it as seemeth him good. If you
get into the dark still hold on to the work of God no matter
if I dont fell like praying I will do it if the Lord should
open the visions of the minds of the people that have gone
to Calafornia so that they could see things as they are they
would as soon cut their throats as to have done it but they
dont see it they have to go and suffer untill they are
satisfied I will say the same to this people if we do not
you are a good people but their is great room for improvement in this city. the last one that we visited.
I would like to see this people in good houses & gardens
& in good forts.
now when you come to the conference
you all vote to sustain President Young now you have got
to honour this man he holds the [FIGURE] of the Kingdom of God
and sustain him or the Lord will not save & exhalt
you in his kingdom. I pray that you may do right & serve
the Lord I ask it in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
President Young arose and said I am willing to say a few
words. If the Latter Day Saints cannot become one hart &
mind & work in their temporal things which they do
understand they cannot become one in Eternal things which
they cannot understand. If you would too do as you are told then
all would be right when the Lord requires any thing
at your hands dont ask any questions but go to & do as
you are counselled to do you may ask is their any danger
of the Indians you do not always know what danger you
are in but always do as you are told & then you are
~ Saturday
Saturday 6th Rode to Battle Creek 3 mils
and held a meeting with the people
President Young arose & said that I am
not in the habit of taking a text but I will now take
for my text the last line that was sung "God is his
own interpetor" He will make all things plain but do the
people understand those things which are for our good
the Lord will not explain all things unto ushe under
stands but he will make his people walk by faith He
will not explain all his mistaries to the people. we read in the
New Testament that faith is the assurance of things hoped
for & the evidence of things not seen have we all got
faith it is our duty to have faith in God & his word & promises
you have to trust in God. He will not reveal all things unto
us some men are tried will the counsel given & will
not obey they will not have glory in the kingdom of
God they are bastards & not sons the Lord intends
for the people to be tried so as to prove the faithful
What God does reveal He reveals for the purpose of
leading men in the way of salvation the people do not
know the way of the Lord they come here and
say I am going to build myself up I have to work so hard
I cannot get time to pray but are you doing right when
you do this we may labour to get all things abot us yet
the Lord will controll it as seemath him good. If you
get into the dark still hold on to the work of God no matter
if I dont fell like praying I will do it if the Lord should
open the visions of the minds of the people that have gone
to Calafornia so that they could see things as they are they
would as soon cut their throats as to have done it but they
dont see it they have to go and suffer untill they are
satisfied I will say the same to this people if we do not
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," May 5, 1854 - May 6, 1854, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 24, 2025,