reported sermons much for many years for we have had scribes
& reporters to keep a record of the sayings of the Prophets & Apostles &
I rejoice & thank God for it does my soul good to look upon these
little Boys sons of Brother George Q Cannon & others set at the reports
table & report the sermons as they are delivered from the mouth of
the Prophets & Apostles I would there were 10 whare their is but one
Another subject I wish to say a few words upon & that is the spirit
of God to man, the Holy Ghost which is given to the Saints, The
inspiration of the Almighty which giveth the spirit of man under-
standing it is the greatest testimony man can possess, his Eyes & Ears
may be deceived in seeing the miracles such as the magicians in the
days of Moses [Exodus 7:11] or such as the fals Prophets & Beasts of the last day will
perform [Revelation 13] wbut when the Elect receive the Holy Ghost they will not be dec[eive]d [Matthew 24:24]
but man is apt to look to high or expect too great things so that they
often times mistake the spirit of God & the inspiration of the Almighty
it is not in the Thunder or whirlwind that we should look for the spirit
of God but in the still small voice. [1 Kings 19:11-12] "The wind Bloweth whare it listeth
& ye hear the sound thereof but cannot tell whence it cometh or whether
it goeth so all is the spirit saith Jesus." [John 3:8] We should all become acquainted
with this spirit & obey its voice for it hath preserved the prophets Apostles
& Elders for the last 40 years in their travels upon the Earth. We have
all Experienced this from time to time our lives have been preserved
by listning to the whisperings of that still small voice. When I was going
to Boston in the spring of 1848 with my family I drove into the door
yard of one of the Brethren tied my Mules to a large oak tree & went
to Bed in my carriage with my carriage ^family^ the spirit came upon
me & told me to get up & move my ^carriage^ & my Mules I did so & it was but
a short time untill a whirlwing took that oak tree broak it into [nom]
the ground & brought it some 12 rods & laid it prostrate in that dooryard
& the body of fell whare my carriage stood & if I had not moved it
I should have been killed with my family. Again when I was bri-
nging the Eastern Saints to this valley when I arived in Pitsburgh
I chartered a steemboat to take the Saints to St Louis as soon as
I had done it the spirit said to me dont go abord of that Boat. the
Captain released me & I chartered another the steemer that
I first chartered started down the river soon took fire burned
reported sermons much for many years for we have had scribes
& reporters to keep a record of the sayings of the Prophets & Apostles &
I rejoice & thank God for it does my soul good to look upon these
little Boys sons of Brother George Q Cannon & others set at the reports
table & report the sermons as they are delivered from the mouth of
the Prophets & Apostles I would there were 10 whare their is but one
Another Subject I wish to say a few words upon & that is the spirit
of God to man, the Holy Ghost which is given to the saints, The
inspiration of the Almighty which giveth the spirit of man understanding it is the greatest testimony man can possess, his Eyes & Ears
may be deceived in seeing the miracles such as the magicians in the
days of Moses or such as the fals Prophets & beasts of the last day will
performbut when the Elect receive the Holy Ghost they will not be deceived
but man is apt to look to high or Expect too great things so that they
often times mistake the spirit of God & the inspiration of the Almighty
it is not in the Thunder or whirlwind that we should look for the spirit
of God but in the still small voice "The wind Bloweth whare it listeth
& ye hear the sound thereof but cannot tell whence it cometh or whether
it goeth so all is the spirit saith Jesus" We should all become acquainted
with this spirit & obey its voice for it hath preserved the prophets Apostles
& Elders for the last 40 years in their travels upon the Earth. We have
all Experienced this from time to time our lives have been preserved
by listning to the whisperings of that still small voice. When I was going
to Boston in the spring of 1848 with my family I drove into the door
yard of one of the Brethren tied my Mules to a large oak tree & went
to Bed in my carriage with my family the spirit came upon
me & told me to get up & move my carriage & my mules I did so & it was but
a short time untill a whirlwing took that oak tree broak it into nom
the ground & brought it some 12 rods & laid it prostrate in that dooryard
& the body of fall whare my carriage stood & if I had not moved it
I should have been killed with my family. Again when I was bringing the Eastern Saints to this valley when I arived in Pitsburgh
I chartered a steemboat to take the saints to St Louis as soon as
I had done it the spirit said to me dont go abord of that Boat. the
Captain released me & I chartered another the steemer that
I first chartered started down the river soon took fire burned
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," January 20, 1872, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025,