him reading the news of the day. he went to bed with his
Brother John, & slept untill about 1 oclok then the devil entered
into him & he raged Badly I arose & went to him & again laid hands upon him & cast the Devel out of him in the name
of Jesus Christ & he remained quiet untill about day light
when the Devil again Entered into him & he raged in a dred-
ful manner we gave him his breakfast & I took him by
the arm & walked with him back to the City Hall & left
him in the hands of the poliece
~ Sunday
18. Sunday not having much rest through the night I spent
the forenoon in bed G. Q. Cannon spoke in the forenoon I attended
Meeting at Noon withe the Board of the D. A. M. Society I attended
the Meeting at the TabernacleJohn Taylor spoke I met with the
Twelve for prayer in the afternoon & attended meeting at the 14
ward school houseJoseph Romney spoke followed By wm H
Folsom & I followed them
~ Monday
19. I attended a tryial Before the High Council Betwen the Trustee
in trust & J V. Long I went as a witness. I then sat for an
Ambrotye likeness for Mr Perry to paint from I wrote a letter
to C. W GrantIona (near Peekskill) weschester co N. Y.
I sent a post office order of $7 for Iona grapes & 1 Israella. C W Stanes sent $2.50 & W. Woodruff $4.70. R L Campbell
^^ wrote the Letter I wrote to I F. Carter & received one from him
~ Tuesday to ~ Friday
20, 21, 22, 23. I spent the week at my Farm I put in 2 Acres
of wheat on the 23
~ Saturday
24. I spent the forepart of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 22. H. C. Kimball sealed 5 couple W W 2 couple I got a letter from Wilford. Edward Tullidge became
sane & returned home to day. My daughter Bulah Augusta
got her Endowments to day I set for my portrait
with Mr Perry
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morn
ing & attended Meeting in the Tabernacle. I prea-
ched in the forenoon & G. D. WattJohn Taylor
& H. C. Kimball spoke in the Afternoon I visited
president Young found him feeble I met with the 12 for pray
& preached in the 7 ward
March 17 1866
him reading the news of the day, he went to bed with his
Brother John, & slept untill about 1 oclok then the devil entered
into him & he raged Badly I arose & went to him & again
laid hands upon him & cast the Devel out of him in the name
of Jesus Christ & he remained quiet untill about day light
when the Devil again Entered into him & he raged in a dredful manner we gave him his breakfast & I took him by
the arm & walked with him back to the City Hall & left
him in the hands of the poliece
~ Sunday
18. Sunday not having much rest through the night I spent
the forenoon in bed. G. Q. Cannon spoke in the forenoon I attended
Meeting at Noon with the Board of the D. A. M. Society I attended
the Meeting at the TabernacleJohn Taylor spoke I met with the
Twelve for prayer in the afternoon & attended meeting at the 14
ward school house Joseph Romney spoke followed By wm H
Folsom & I followed them
~ Monday
19. I attended a trial Before the High Council Between the Trustee
in trust & J V. Long I went as a witness. I then sat for an
Ambrotye likeness for Mr Perry to paint from I wrote a letter
to C. W GrantIona (near Peekskill) weschester co N.Y.
I sent a post office order of $7 for Iona grapes & 1 Israella,
C W Stanes sent $2.50 & W Woodruff $4.70. R L Campbell
FIGURES wrote the Letter I wrote to I F. Carter & received one from him
~ Tuesday to ~ Friday
20, 21, 22, 23, I spent the week at my Farm I put in 2 Acres
of wheat on the 23
~ Saturday
24. I spent the forepart of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 22. H. C. Kimball sealed 5 couple W W 2 couple
[FIGURE] I got a letter from Wilford. Edward Tullidge became
sane & returned home to day. My daughter Bulah Augusta
got her Endowments to day [FIGURE] I set for my portrait
with Mr Perry
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morn
ing & attended Meeting in the Tabernacle. I preached in the forenoon & G. D. WattJohn Taylor
& H. C. Kimball spoke in the Afternoon. I visted
President Young found him feeble I met with the 12 for prayer
& preached in the 7 ward
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," March 17, 1866 - March 25, 1866, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 27, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/L9ZA