Feb. 1st 1868 I met many of the Brethren at President Yo[u]ngsoffice
to make arangements about going to Provo I spent most of the
day in the Endowments House we gave endowments to 52. H. C. Kimball sealed 3 couple W Woodruff 17, & D H Wells 15 couple
the council met in the afternoon
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle W. Woodruff spoke in the Forenoon 45 Minutes
& John Taylor 75 Minutes in the afternoon & G Q Cannon 30 minutes
I Attended mthe Prayer circle with the Presidency & Twelve I pre[a]ched
in the Evening in Bishop Hardys ward He went home with me.
~ Monday
3rd The sun shone yesterday so according to the old dutch
rule we shall have 6 weeks Hard winter I received a pamphlet
from Capt Hooper I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff & sent her
spectacles I spent the forenoon in council I wrote to Franklin
Richards in England. I Attended the School of the Prophets and
herd many interesting mremarks made upon the subjects of Asstrology and it was decided that Asstrology was in
oposition to the work of ofGod Hence Saints should not be
ingaged in it. I went down to the field & spent the night
~ Tuesday
4. I returned to the city & attended a Meeting of the Jordon
Irrigation Company. I met in the council in the aftern[oon] I wrote a letter to Capt Hooper.
~ Wednesday
5. I received a letter from Mrs Woodruff I spent
the afternoon in the council, & attended a lecture of Mr Barker
introducing a New Theory of Asstronomy He does away with
the Law of Gravatation & attraction
~ Thursday
6 I wrote to Mrs Woodruff & sent her Box to her
By Mail. I spent the Afternoon in the council. I sent a
Telegraph paper to W Woodruff Jr.
Feb. 1st 1868 I met many of the Brethren at President Youngsoffice
to make arangements about going to Provo I spent most of the
day in the Endowments House we gave Endowments to 52.
H. C. Kimball sealed 3 couple W Woodruff 17, & D H Wells 15 couples
the council met in the afternoon
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle W. Woodruff spoke in the Forenoon 45 Minutes
& John Taylor 75 Minutes in the afternoon & G Q Cannon 30 minutes
I Attended the Prayer Circle with the Presidency & Twelve I preached
in the Evening in Bishop Hardys ward He went home with me.
~ Monday
3rd FIGURES The sun shone yesterday so according to the old dutch
rule we shall have 6 weeks Hard winter. I received a pamphlet
from Capt Hooper I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff & sent her
spectacles I spent the forenoon in council I wrote to Franklin
Richards in England. I Attended the School of the Prophets and
herd many interesting remarks made upon the subjects of
Asstrology and it was decided that Asstrology was in
oposition to the work of God Hence saints should not be
ingaged in it. I went down to the field & spent the night
~ Tuesday
4. I returned to the City & attended a Meeting of the Jordon
Irrigation Company. I met in the Council in the afternoon
[FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Capt Hooper.
~ Wednesday
5. [FIGURE] I received a letter from Mrs Woodruff I spent
the afternoon in the council, & attended a lecture of Mr Barker
introducing a New Theory of Asstronomy He does away with
the Law of Gravatation & attraction
~ Thursday
6 [FIGURE] I wrote to Mrs Woodruff & sent her Box to her
By Mail. I spent the Afternoon in the council. I sent a
Telegraph paper to W Woodruff Jr
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," January 31, 1868 - February 7, 1868, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 4, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/M81A