15 to 19. I spent the week laboring in the city & at the farm planting potatoes & puting in Garden I received 3 letters & wrote 2 to Wilford & Saxe
we received the unanimous decision of the Supreme Court of the U. S.
at washington in favor of the Trials of the L. D. Saints under the Court
of Judge Mckean it was received with Joy By all the Saints
22nd D. C. I attended the funeral of Daniel GarnesJ. Taylor spoke I followed him 6 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
23 I cleaned out my Grape vine yard uncovered my Grapes I have taken a
severe cold upon my lungs. I went to bed sick & had a sick night
~ Wednesday
24. $554.60 I found myself quite feble this morning my lungs vary
tight I received $537.50 from Joseph A. Young for Col Peter Saxe
I went to the Bank & got a draft & sent to Peter Saxe of $554.60
~ Thursday
25 I spent the day setting posts around my grape vineyard
~ Friday
26 I spent the day at work in my vineyard & I went to the field & spent the night 6 [miles]
~ Saturday
27. I attended the school of the prophets & for the first time for months All the Presidency were there President Young had been liberated
from his confinement on a writ of Habeus Corpus by the Probate
Judge Elias Smith, all the Presidency spoke & some others. I received 4 letters
~ Sunday
28. Sunday met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended Meeting in
the Tabernacle all day this was the last day of conference. President Young
attended for the first time for Months in the New Tabernacle, there was
a large assembly I should think 10000 people in the afternoon B Young jr
Prayed & President Young spoke 36 Minutes O. Pratt 20, & A Carrington 22
Ant noon the Presidency & Twelve met at the Historians Office to Bless
the Missionaries. wWe blessed abot a doz. President Young Blessed 3. in the
afternoon W. Woodruff Prayed, President Young spoke 40 M. in a
powerful Manner. AG. A. Smith spoke 12, President Young 4,
and W Woodruff 5 Minutes at the close of the meeting we met in
the Prayer Circle I wrote 2 letters to Wilford & Bishop Stewart it rained in the afternoon & night
15, to 19. I spent the week laboring in the City & at the farm planting potatoes
FIGURES & Puting in Garden I received 3 letters & wrote 2 to Wilford & Saxe
we received the unanimous decision of the Supreme Court of the U. S.
at washington in favor of the Trials of the L. D. Saints under the Court
of Judge Mckean it was received with Joy By all the Saints
22nd [FIGURE] D. C. I attended the funeral of Daniel GarnesJ. Taylor spoke I followed him 6 Minutes
~ Tuesday
23 I cleaned out my Grape vine yard uncovered my Grapes I have taken a
severe cold upon my lungs. I went to bed sick & had a sick night
~ Wednesday
24. [FIGURE] $554.60 I found myself quite feble this morning my lungs vary
tight I received $537.50 from Joseph A. Young for Col Peter Saxe
I went to the Bank & got a draft & sent to Peter Saxe of $554.60
~ Thursday
25 I spent the day setting posts around my grape vineyard
~ Friday
26 I spent the day at work in my vineyard & I went to the field & spent the night 6
~ Saturday
27. [FIGURE] I attended the school of the prophets & for the first time for months
[FIGURE] All the Presidency were there President Young had been liberated
from his confinement on a writ of Habeus Corpus by the Probate
Judge Elias Smith, all the Presidency spoke & some others. I received 4 letters
~ Sunday
28. Sunday met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended Meeting in
the Tabernacle all day this was the last day of Conference. President Young
attended for the first time for Months in the New Tabernacle, there was
a large assembly I should think 10000 people. in the afternoon B Young jr
Prayed & President Young spoke 36 Minutes O. Pratt 20 & A Carrington 22
At noon the Presidency & Twelve met at the Historians Office to Bless
the Missionaries.We blessed abot a doz. President Young Blessed 3. in the
afternoon W. Woodruff Prayed, Presidet Young spoke 40 Minutes in a
powerful Manner. G. A. Smith spoke 12, President Young 4,
and W Woodruff 5 Minutes at the close of the meeting we met in
the Prayer Circle I wrote 2 letters to Wilford & Bishop Stewart
[FIGURE] it rained in the afternoon & night
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," April 15, 1872 - May 4, 1872, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Dk1q