I went down to Brother Mabain's shot [shop] & got the likeness
of Father Kingtons taken Aloso My Daughter Bulah got
hers taken
~ Saturday
22nd I met at 8 oclok at the prayer room & G A Smith I
gave Joseph Legget his seconed anointing. I then went
to the Endowment House & we gave Endowments to 51. H C K
sealed 4 couple G Q Cannon 15 & W Woodruff 20 total 39. G. A. Smith gave the Seconed Anointing to [blank]
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I met with my Quorom in the morning & wrote
in the forenoon & attended meeting in the Afternoon G A Smith
& G Q. Cannon spoke in the forenoon upon the Apostacy of the Church
in Ancient days & down to the present time President Young spoke
in the Afternoon upon the same subject I met with the Presidency
& Twel[v]e in the Evening in our Prayer circle & preached in the
Evening to the 13 ward to a full House
~ Monday
24. The Masons laid the foundation of my back rooms to day 16 By
30 feet I labored with them. G. A. Smith Anointed Hough Moon
27 I went to my field to water my crops I had to work
vary hard to get the ditches open to get the water on the land
& the Thermometer marked 90 in the shade & I came near being
sun struct & I was sick through the night Wilford & Keets
were in the canyon after wood keets came home about midnigh
& wiford stoped at the Canyon ^G A S Anointed David Evans & J B Nobles family^
~ Friday
28 Wilford came home this morning & we all spent the
day watering land & ditching & hoeing I was quite poorly but
worked till night & went to bed sick ^G A Smith Anointed Wm Budge & David James^
30. Sunday I was unwell & did not attend Meeting President Yo[u]ng spoke & others
I attended the prayer circle in the Evening
June 21st 1867
I went down to Brother Mabain's shop & got the likeness
of Father Kingtons taken Also My Daughter Bulah got
hers taken
~ Saturday
22nd I met at 8 oclok at the prayer room & I
gave Joseph Legget his seconed anointing. I then went
to the Endowment House & we gave Endowments to 51. H C K
sealed 4 couple G Q Cannon 15 & W Woodruff 20 total 39.
G. A. Smith gave the Seconed Anointing to [blank]
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & wrote
in the forenoon & attended meeting in the Afternoon G A Smith
& G Q Cannon spoke in the forenoon upon the Apostacy of the Church
in Ancient days & down to the present time President Young spoke
in the Afternoon upon the same subject I met with the Presidency
& Twelve in the Evening in our Prayer Circle & preached in the
Evening to the 13 ward to a full House
~ Monday
24. The Masons laid the foundation of my back rooms to day 16 By
30 feet I labored with them. G. A. Smith Anointed
Hough Moon
27 I went to my field to water my crops I had to work
vary hard to get the ditches open to get the water on the land
& the Thermometer marked 90 in the shade & I came near being
sun struck & I was sick through the night Wilford & Keets
were in the canyon after wood keets came home about midnight
& wiford stoped at the Canyon G A S Anointed David Evans & J B Nobles family
~ Friday
28 Wilford came home this morning & we all spent the
day watering land & ditching & hoeing I was quite poorly but
worked till night & went to bed sick G A Smith Anointed Wm Budge & David James
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," June 21, 1867 - June 30, 1867, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/W6QJ