Again their is another subject I wish to speak off. There is
one subject upon my mind & has been for years that is contra-
ry to my practice & the practice of this People & that is corncerning
the Sabbath I have never thought that the Jews or ten Tribes
of Israel would Ever keep the gentile Sabbath that is the first
day of the week when I was Baptized into this Church I
was keeping Saturday for the Sabbath. But I knew that
the Later day Saints were the tru Church of Christ & if I
had imbibed 100 tradition I would have given them up for
this I dont know as the Latter Day Saints will Ever keep
this day & it does not make any difference whether they do
or not for the Lord will dictate them Just as he please in
all those things. But when Moses received this comm-
andment to keep the seventh day of the week The Lord [said] this
Law shall remain as a statute Betwen me & the House
of Israel forever throughout all your Generation [Exodus 31:13-17] I
have Never found this commandment changed By any
revelation from God Jesus & the Apostles kept the 7 day of
the week called the Jewish Sabbath. IYet the Apostles
did meet in some Instances on the first day of the week
to Break bread &c. Constantine changed the day of
worship from the seventh to the first day of the week
about 600 years after Christ. we received a Revelation
in the doctrins & covents in the Early age of this Chirch
to Meet upon the Lords day to Break Bred &c But the Lord
did not reveal which day of our time was the Exact did [day]
that the Lord commanded Israel to keep At the close of
the remarks President Young read the revelation and
said that there had been so much change in time that
we do not know the Exact time that was the seventh day
President Yo[u]ng made many rem[ar]ks upon various subjects
~ Saturday
25 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 46. H C Kimball sealed 4, W Woodruff 22
couple I spent the Afternoon in the Council Chamber The
secretary paid of the Mileage I wrote to Jessie Hard & got
a letter from Phebe A Snow
Jan 24, 1868
Again their is another subject I wish to speak off. There is
one subject upon my mind & has been for years that is contrary to my Practice & the Practice of this People & that is corncerning
the sabbath I have never thought that the Jews or ten Tribes
of Israel would Ever keep the gentile Sabbath that is the first
day of the week when I was Baptized into this Church I
was keeping Saturday for the Sabbath. But I knew that
the Later day saints were the tru Church of Christ & if I
had imbibed 100 tradition I would have given them up for
this I dont know as the Latter Day Saints will Ever keep
this day & it does not make any difference whether they do
or not for the Lord will dictate them Just as he please in
all those things. But when Moses received this commandment to keep the seventh day of the week The Lord said this
Law shall remain as a statute Betwen me & the House
of Israel forever throughout all your Generation I
have Never found this commandment changed By any
revelation from God. Jesus & the Apostles kept the 7 day of
the week called the Jewish Sabbath. Yet the Apostles
did meet in some Instances on the first day of the week
to Break bread &c. Constantine changed the day of
worship from the seventh to the first day of the week
about 600 years after Christ, we received a Revelation
in the doctrins & covents in the Early age of this Chirch
to Meet upon the Lords day to Break Bred &c. But the Lord
did not reveal which day of our time was the Exact diy
that the Lord Commanded Israel to keep. At the close of
the remarks. President Young read the revelation and
said that there had been so much change in time that
we do not know the Exact time that was the seventh day
President Young made many remarks upon various subjects
~ Saturday
25 FIGURES I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 46. H C Kimball sealed 4, W Woodruff 22
couple I spent the Afternoon in the Council Chamber The
secretary paid of the Mileage I wrote to Jessie Hard & got
a letter from Phebe A Snow
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," January 24, 1868 - January 25, 1868, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025,