He left the Church with many others in the difficulties in far
west But finally returned to the Church in Nauvoo & been in ever
sinc has been with Joseph a good dele & has written for
him. He has labored in the Endowment House for many
years for the last year of his life he has not been capable
of doing any busines. John Taylor spoke at the funeral &
W Woodruff followed him. Bishop Hunter made a few remarks
I attended the school of the prophets & at the close I Attended a
Mass Meeting or a Political Carcass to Nominate candid-
ates for Congress & the Legislature of the State of Deserett. A
committee was appointed to present a list of Names to the Meeting
after consulting for a while during which time a speech was made
By Z Snow followed By Gen Barnum at the close of which the
committee presented the follow names Hon MrFrank Fuller as
representative to Congress & W. Woodruff G. Q. Cannon Wm Jennings & Mr Hemstead for senators, & John Taylor B. Young JrA. P. RockwoodJohn T. Caine, S A Mann &
Mr Aker as representatives of the State of Deserett
they were voted for unanimously
~ Sunday
10. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning attended
Meeting all day in the TabernacleJoseph W Young spoke in
the Morning 62 Minutes O. Pratt spoke in the Afternoon
one Hour & 23 Minutes. I met with the Twelve for Prayer
& Preached in the 15 ward in the Evening
~ Monday
11. I went to the field & spent the day ploughing
~ Tuesday to ~ Friday
12 to 15 I spent the week at the farm mostly ploughing & sowing wheat I received 6 letters mostly from Randolph we had several snow
storms through the week come in the night & go off next day I came
up to the city friday night
17 I met with my Quorum & attended meeting in the TabernacleW
W Woodruff spoke in the morning 39 M[inutes], & J Taylor in the Afternoon
one hour & 20 Minutes. I met with the Presidency & Twelve for prayer
I spent the Evening at Elias Smith, & sighed signed my last will &
Testiament & left it in the Hands of Judge E. Smith
~ Monday to ~ Friday
18 to 22. I spent this week on the farm ploughing sowing draging rolling &c
He left the Church with many others in the difficulties in far
west But finally returned to the Church in Nauvoo & been in ever
sinc has been with Joseph a good dele & has written for
him. He has labored in the Endowment House for many
years for the last year of his life he has not been capable
of doing any busines. John Taylor spoke at the funeral &
W Woodruff followed him. Bishop Hunter made a fiw remarks
I attend the school of the Prophets & at the close I Attended a
Mass Meeting or a Political Carceas to Nominate candidates for Congress & the Legislature of the State of Deserett A
committee was appointed to present a list of Names to the Meeting
After consulting for a while during which time a speech was made
By Z Snow followed By Gen Barnum at the close of which the
committee presented the follow names Hon Frank Foiler as
Representative of congress & W. Woodruff G. Q. CannonWm Jennings & Mr Hemstead for senators, & John TaylorB. Young jrA. P. RockwoodJohn T. Caine, S A Mann &
Mr Aker as Representatives of the State of Deserett
they were voted for unanimously
~ Sunday
10. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning attended
Meeting all day in the TabernacleJoseph W Young spoke in
the Morning 62 Minutes O. Pratt spoke in the Afternoon
one Hour & 23 Minutes. I met with the Twelve for Prayer
& Preached in the 15 ward in the Evening
~ Monday
11. I went to the field & spent the day ploughing
~ Tuesday to ~ Friday
12 to 15 I spent the week at the farm mostly ploughing & sowing wheat
[FIGURE] I received 6 letters mostly from Randolph we had several snow
stormes through the week come in the night & go off next day I came
up to the city friday night
17 I met with my Quorum & attended meeting in the Tabernacle
W Woodruff spoke in the morning 39 Minutes, & J Taylor in the Afternoon
one hour & 20 Minutes. I met with the Presidency & Twelve for prayer
I spent the Evening at Elias Smith, & signed my last will &
Testament & left it in the Hands of Judge E. Smith
~ Monday to ~ Friday
18 to 22. I spent this week on the farm ploughing sowing draging Rolling &c
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," March 9, 1872 - March 21, 1872, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/zpvm