and not Able to get to the Endowment House if they have
not had their Endowments may be sealed and in some insta-
nces I have given this permission & others have taken
the advantage of it & urged to be sealed without coming
to the Endowment House. I gave A Lyman the privilege of
sealing some in Sanbernadeno by his urgent request but it
will ^not^ avail any thing. Some may ask the question why
may we not seal & give Endowments abroad, because it
would destroy the object of the gathering The People
should be gathered at head Quarters whare they can
be taught in the things of the kingdom of God & be under
the direction of the Priesthood. President Young said that
when Persons come to get their Endowments should be clean
& pure A man should not touch a woman for 10 days before
getting their Endowments and the Twelve while travelling
should hold meetings with the male members as priesthood
meetings & teach these but they have to be handled in
wisdom or Evil will grow out of it
In speaking of the death of Joseph Smith the prophet
President Young said it was necessary for Joseph
Smith to shed his blood seal his Testimony with
his blood that his testimony might rest upon all
Nations that the wicked might be left without ecxcuse
in the day of Gods Judgments upon the wicked. if this
had not been the case he would not have been slain
in carthage jail. He sent away most of the Twelve
and a web was woven which brought about this Event
The subject of A sermon Preached by A Lyman
and published in the Millennium Star April 5, 1862,
in vol 24 was brought up & red & it was found to have
done away with the Efficasy of the blood of Christ President
B Young said he wished to know what the Twelve had to
say about it For he had a go[o]d deal to say about it
when you do away with the blood of the Savior you
do away with all the Gospel & plan of Salvation. If
this doctrin as Preached by A Lyman & some by
Dec 26 1866
and not Able to get to the Endowment House if they have
not had their Endowments may be sealed and in some instances I have given this permission & others have taken
the advantage of it & urged to be sealed without coming
to the Endowment House. I gave A Lyman the privilege of
sealing some in Sanbernadeno by his urgent request but it
will not avail any thing. Some may ask the question why
may we not seal & give Endowments abroad, because it
would destroy the object of the gathering. The People
should be gathered at head Quarters whare they can
be taught in the things of the kingdom of God & be under
the direction of the Priesthood. President Young said that
when Persons come to get their Endowments should be clean
& pure A man should not touch a woman for 10 days before
getting their Endowments and the Twelve while travelling
should hold meetings with the male members as priesthood
meetings & teach these but they have to handled in
wisdom or Evil will grow out of it
In speaking of the death of Joseph Smith the prophet
President Young said it was necessary for Joseph
Smith to seal his Testimony with
his blood that his testimony might rest upon all
Nations that the wicked might be left without excuse
in the day of Gods Judgments upon the wicked, if this
had not been the case he would not have been slain
in carthage jail. He sent away most of the Twelve
and a web was woven which brought about this Event
The subject of A sermon Preached by A Lyman
and published in the Millennium Star April 5, 1862,
in vol 24 was brought up & red & it was found to have
done away with the Efficasy of the blood of Christ President
B Young said he wished to know what the Twelve had to
say about it For he had a good deal to say about it
when you do away with the blood of the savior you
do away with all the Gospel & plan of Salvation. If
this doctrine as Preached by A Lyman & some by
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," December 26, 1866, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025,