who is laboring in , a letter
received from him yesterday State that he is
not enjoying the best of health, and being alone
it makes it quite unplesent for him, shall
be thankfull when he gets some help, he is feeling
well in Spirits and doing all that lay in his
power to Spread the truth in that part of the
Lords vineyard
there is general good health among our
native Saints at this time and a desire manifested
on their part to Keep the commandments, a
greater interest is being manifested among the
young to get Married by the Elders of the Church
last Monday we had the pleasure of celebrating three
marrages, we improved the oppertunity of talk-
ing in plainness upon this and other princi-
ples of God, unto a large assembly of both
Saints and Strangers,
I am now on my way to in
company with Elder a new
part of the Mission. My health is good and I
am enjoying my labors much, feeling that I am
who is laboring in , a letter
received from him yesterday State that he is
not enjoying the best of health, and being alone
it makes it quite unplesent for him, shall
be thankfull when he gets some help, he is feeling
well in Spirits and doing all that lay in his
power to Spread the truth in that part of the
Lords vineyard
there is general good health among our
native Saints at this time and a desire manifested
on their part to Keep the commandments, a
greater interest is being manifested among the
young to get Married by the Elders of the Church
last Monday we had the pleasure of celebrating three
marrages, we improved the oppertunity of talking in plainness upon this and other principles of God, unto a large assembly of both
Saints and Strangers,
I am now on my way to in
company with Elder a new
part of the Mission. My health is good and I
am enjoying my labors much, feeling that I am