wonderfully Sustained of the Lord in travels
and adminestrations among the Elders and
Saints, in my Bretherin and fellow compan-
ims in the minestry I feel I have a good Sup-
port and a fine noble lot of Elders to labor
with, who manifest a Strong desire to be counsell-
ed and directed in their labors, and a willing-
ness to carry out every counsell given them, offer
ing no complaint about the many little trials
they have to pass through, but on the other hand
feel that they are blessed in being counted worthy
to be the Ambassadors of our Lord Jesus Christ,
I do not think there is a lazy workman in the
field, all Seen to have a desire to do all that lay
in their power to further the work of the Lord.
Thanking you Dear Brother for your Kind
fatherly letter and words of counsell and
in ever praying for Gods choisest blessings
to rest upon you, and all the members of
the Apostles that you may be abundantly
quallified for every labor and duty required
wonderfully Sustained of the Lord in travels
and adminestrations among the Elders and
Saints, in my Bretherin and fellow companims in the minestry I feel I have a good Support and a fine noble lot of Elders to labor
with, who manifest a Strong desire to be counselled and directed in their labors, and a willingness to carry out every counsell given them, offer
ing no complaint about the many little trials
they have to pass through, but on the other hand
feel that they are blessed in being counted worthy
to be the Ambassadors of our Lord Jesus Christ,
I do not think there is a lazy workman in the
field, all Seen to have a desire to do all that lay
in their power to further the work of the Lord.
Thanking you Dear Brother for your Kind
fatherly letter and words of counsell and
in ever praying for Gods choisest blessings
to rest upon you, and all the members of
the Apostles that you may be abundantly
quallified for every labor and duty required