a time in organizing the church, performing
miracles, etc. He was a very poor man. Did
not have wherewith to pay his taxes until he
sent to catch a fish with money in its
belly for that purpose. As Christ gave his life
for others, so it was to be the same with others,
gave his life. It was necessary
for the Testator to seal his testimony with
their blood. It seems as though this was
to be the case from before the foundation of
the earth. Instead of having bad feelings
towards our enemies such as congressmen and
rulers, we should feel to pray for them. Had
followed President to the penitentiary
when arrested by order of Judge .
Had felt at the time that judgment ought
to be passed on Judge McKean. Judge McKean
had passed from this earth as enthough a nothing.
“Shaefers experience in the edict against
the saints carrying sertain banners in pro-
cession had gone ^on^ very short notice. Numerous,
other instances can be cited to show that
"vengeance is mine and I will repay it saith
the Lord is verified." Romans 12:19 Had seen the revelation
on the late civil war in the United States
twenty five years before it happened.
a time in organizing the church, performing
miracles, etc. He was a very poor man. Did
not have wherewith to pay his taxes until he
sent Peter to catch a fish with money in its
belly for that purpose. As Christ gave his life
for others, so it was to be the same with others,
Joseph Smith gave his life. It was necessary
for the Testator to seal his testimony with
their blood. It seems as though this was
to be the case from before the foundation of
the earth. Instead of having bad feelings
towards our enemies such as congressmen and
rulers, we should feel to pray for them. Had
followed President B. Young to the penitentiary
when arrested by order of Judge McKean.
Had felt at the time that judgment ought
to be passed on Judge McKean. Judge McKean
had passed from this earth as though a nother.
“Shaefers experience in the edict against
the saints, carrying sertain banners in procession, had gone on very short notice. Numerous,
other instances can be cited to show that
"vengeance is mine, and I will repay it saith
the Lord is verified." Had seen the revelation
on the late civil war in the United States
twenty five years before it happened.