to return with him, although he had promised that they should go. With a letter of
importance saw myself driven from , galloping through the masses of mostly
soldiers, half and semi barbarians. I hurried across the prairie, had
gone down on a boat from towards , but while landed at
awoke in the midst of powder, smoke, death, and carnage." After he had
finished the recital of the dream he says that remarked, "that is ominous
of future events. I do not believe that the will ever take me to Nauvoo
Do you remember this? and if not, what is your opinion respecting it?
The following is copied from Dr. journal, and you will
perceive it is a meagre report of the interview with the Governor in ;
as you were present you will doubtless be able to fill most of the blanks:
"Thursday, June 26th, 1844. 9:27^AM^ A.M. Gov & Col arrived at
the jail. Joseph stated the coming of the constable gave up called
upon some 20 bystanders that we submitted but fear of life go before
Esq. go on prairie to Habeas Corpus Letter
to Gov. wrote another letter to Gov by James sent Hunter & Lewis
Capt. Anderson's certificate Proclamation Order of Lieut Gen. to
Marshal explained about passes &c arrests Marshalled
the had no power any thing further brought here
Gov acted on the state of the Habeas Corpus
trial before Esq. Wells.
Gov. thought sufficient time had not been allowed by the posse to get ready
can be very safely admitted that your statements are true
was satisified now they had [blank space] *[blank underline] said it would be unsafe for
Joseph to come
*the name or names here is very illegible. it is illegible illegible
to return with him, although he had promised that they should go. With a letter of
importance saw myself driven from , galloping through the masses of mostly
soldiers, half Indians and semi barbarians. I hurried across the prairie, had
gone down on a boat from towards , but while landed at
awoke in the midst of powder, smoke, death, and carnage." After he had
finished the recital of the dream he says that remarked, "that is ominous
of future events. I do not believe that the will ever take me to Nauvoo
Do you remember this? and if not, what is your opinion respecting it?
The following is copied from Dr. journal, and you will
perceive it is a meagre report of the interview with the Governor in ;
as you were present you will doubtless be able to fill most of the blanks:
"Thursday, June 26th, 1844. 9:27AM A.M. Gov & Col arrived at
the jail. Joseph stated the coming of the constable gave up called
upon some 20 bystanders that we submitted but fear of life go before
Esq. go on prairie to Habeas Corpus Letter
to Gov. wrote another letter to Gov by James sent Hunter & Lewis
Capt. Anderson's certificate Proclamation Order of Lieut Gen. to
Marshal explained about passes &c arrests Marshalled
the Legion had no power any thing further brought here
Gov acted on the state of the Habeas Corpus
trial before Esq. Wells.
Gov. thought sufficient time had not been allowed by the posse to get ready
can be very safely admitted that your statements are true
was satisified now they had *[blank] said it would be unsafe for
Joseph to come
*the name or names here is very illegible. it is [illegible]