ple you can learn and understand
the mind of God. Revelation has
been looked upon by this , as
well as by the world, as something
very marvelous. What is revelation?
The testimony of the Father and
Son. How many of you have had
revelation? How many of you have
had the Spirit of God whisper unto
you—the still small voice. I would
have been in the spirit world a great
many years ago, if I had not fol-
lowed the promptings of the still
small voice. These were the reve-
lations of Jesus Christ, the strongest
testimony a man or a woman can
have. I have had many testimonies
since I have been connected with
this Church and kingdom. I have
been blessed at times with certain
gifts and graces, certain revelations
and ministrations; but with them
all I have never found anything that
I could place more dependence upon
than the still small voice of the
Holy Ghost.
I know this is the work of God. I
know God is with this people. I am
anxious for them. I am anxious for
the rising generation, for the and young women, for I know
this kingdom has got to rest upon
their shoulders. When I see the
evils that exist in , I
realize they are in danger. Our re-
sponsibilities as parents are great.
We have not only to set an example
ourselves, but we must pray for them,
and counsel them, and I am satisfied
that the Lord will prepare our young
men and young maidens, the sons
and daughters of this people, so that
they will take this kingdom and
bear it off. The kingdom will never
be thrown down or given to another
I thank God I live in this day and
age of the world. I thank God that
I heard the gospel. I thank the
Lord I have been made partaker of
the holy priesthood in connection
with the gospel, and all the fears I
have had have been about myself
and friends. I never had any fears
about the kingdom of God. I do not
have any to-day. I realize and un-
derstand, as well as I know any-
thing, that this kingdom is ordained
to stand. It will grow and increase.
Zion will arise and put on her beau-
tiful garments. The only fears that
I have are with regard to myself, my
family, my wives and my children.
We are surrounded with temptations
which have a tendency to lead us
away. We have got to guard
against them; we have got to in-
crease our faith and live nearer and
nearer to the Lord.
I pray God to bless you and bless
this people, and bless those who are
called to watch over us. We have
got to watch as well as pray. We
have got to guard the Church and
kingdom of God. By and by our
mission will close. We will soon
pass away and shall reap our reward.
We are living in the last dispensa-
tion. , I expect, will
sound the sixth trumpet. He will
be at the head of this dispensation;
or, if he does not blow the trumpet
of this dispensation, I do not know
who will. Somebody has got to do
it, and it must be somebody holding
the keys of the various dispensations
of the world. No other angels are
coming from any other world to ad-
minister in this dispensation; those
men will minister who dwelt here
in the flesh.
May God bless us and help us to
keep his commandments, for Jesus'
sake. Amen.
Sept. 15 THE DESERET NEWS. 515
ple you can learn and understand
the mind of God. Revelation has
been looked upon by this Church, as
well as by the world, as something
very marvelous. What is revelation?
The testimony of the Father and
Son. How many of you have had
revelation? How many of you have
had the Spirit of God whisper unto
you—the still small voice. I would
have been in the spirit world a great
many years ago, if I had not followed the promptings of the still
small voice. These were the revelations of Jesus Christ, the strongest
testimony a man or a woman can
have. I have had many testimonies
since I have been connected with
this Church and Kingdom. I have
been blessed at times with certain
gifts and graces, certain revelations
and ministrations; but with them
all I have never found anything that
I could place more dependence upon
than the still small voice of the
Holy Ghost.
I know this is the work of God. I
know God is with this people. I am
anxious for them. I am anxious for
the rising generation, for the young
men and young women, for I know
this kingdom has got to rest upon
their shoulders. When I see the
evils that exist in , I
realize they are in danger. Our responsibilities as parents are great.
We have not only to set an example
ourselves, but we must pray for them,
and counsel them, and I am satisfied
that the Lord will prepare our young
men and young maidens, the sons
and daughters of this people, so that
they will take this kingdom and
bear it off. The kingdom will never
be thrown down or given to another
I thank God I live in this day and
age of the world. I thank God that
I heard the gospel. I thank the
Lord I have been made partaker of
the holy priesthood in connection
with the gospel, and all the fears I
have had have been about myself
and friends. I never had any fears
about the kingdom of God. I do not
have any to-day. I realize and understand, as well as I know anything, that this kingdom is ordained
to stand. It will grow and increase.
Zion will arise and put on her beautiful garments. The only fears that
I have are with regard to myself, my
family, my wives and my children.
We are surrounded with temptations
which have a tendency to lead us
away. We have got to guard
against them; we have got to increase our faith and live nearer and
nearer to the Lord.
I pray God to bless you and bless
this people, and bless those who
are called to watch over us. We have
got to watch as well as pray. We
have got to guard the Church and
kingdom of God. By and by our
mission will close. We will soon
pass away and shall reap our reward.
We are living in the last dispensation. , I expect, will
sound the sixth trumpet. He will
be at the head of this dispensation;
or, if he does not blow the trumpet
of this dispensation, I do not know
who will. Somebody has got to do
it, and it must be somebody holding
the keys of the various dispensations
of the world. No other angels are
coming from any other world to administer in this dispensation; those
men will minister who dwelt here
in the flesh.
May God bless us and help us to
keep his commandments, for Jesus'
sake. Amen.