that knew nothing about military tactics. "I know
nothing about them gentlemen, I am entirely igno-
rant of them" &c. &c. remarked we had a good opper-
tunity of proving that , during the last
campaign, our legion have got a first-rate joke
on you sir, in what? he asked. I replied, in
sending out Capt. to press take com-
mand of the "Nauvoo Legion." He felt a good
deal chagringed at me beleiving his own statement
relative to his ignorance; he tried to excuse him
self, but only made the matter worse. Elder
is now Luftenant General & all
things are going on well in the legion. We have
just sent for & obtained 250 United states muskets
we have purchased them ourselves & are not depen-
dant upon others for them. We are also contem-
plating going into the various branches of man-
turing & shall be able this winter, we beleive to
supply all the different tradesmen with all
the work they can do. A few cutlers would be
very serviceable here. Several of our storekeepers
who have been enemies are about moving out,
& we have general peace. we are going to make our
own goods, & shall not need them.
The church was never in a more prosperous
condition that at the present. Sidneyism & every