other ism is flating out & peace order & union
prevails. think that we never had so large
an assembly at a conference, & there never was
more business transacted in the time nor did
I ever see so much harmony nor a greater confidence
manifested in the authorities of the church.
There were upwards of ^about^ 500 I beleive ordained into
the seventies, & 100 into the High Priests Quorum
We have divided the United States of into
different districts & have appointed one or more
high priests to preside in those different dis-
tricts, & to take charge of the churches embraced
in their several bounderies & to preside at
the different conferences that shall be held an[nu]-
ally at the most convenient point in [hole in page]
respective districts; much the same as the
churches are organized in . This makes
it convenient as the High Priest can report to
their presidents, & the presidents to the Twelve.
There are now eleven quorums of the seven-
ties organized & filled up, & a twelvth forming, so
you will perceive that we have not been idle. the
first seventy have generally been made presidents
hence there are presidents over the several seven-
ties & a presidency appointed over the whole, so
hence the presidents of the seventies can report
to the first presidency of the seventies & they to the