120th Sunday I met at the stand withe Saints B Young, Kimball, O Pratt & Woodruff of the
Twelve were present. Meeting opened By prayer By
the President. H C. Kimball made A few remarks
said He had no time to be sick He had so much
to do. If He lay down to be sick He would be
called up so soon that he had no time to be sick
& made remarks upon a variety of things
President Young followed & said he could
soon answer his mind did not fell much
like preaching had to administer to the sick
Brethren [who] are labouring hard to keep soul and
body together when I see the suffering that
this people are enduring from the conduct
of professed Christians I feel more lightke
fighting & swearing than preaching for I see
such strugling to live that I have feelings
for the brethren to see them suffer for their religion
I am glad I have not power for I should
use it. when I have I shall have knowledge
to use it. offenses must come but wo unto those
by wholm they come. we are followed by wicked
men who will lie about us & run to Missouri &
say we are triying to kill them &c I hope such
will go away & fall & die. Some are whineing
because we will not strike hands with the deveil
I wish they knew right from wrong. the High
council are appointed to do business for the Church
will they not do right yes they will regulate the
affairs of cutting timber and all affairs for the
benefit of the people. Some act selfish but I
want to act for the good of all, because all things
do not go to suit the convenience of all some
want to run to Mo but I want to let Mo alone
~ Sunday
20th Sunday I met at the stand withe saints
B. Young, Kimball, O Pratt & Woodruff of the
Twelve were present. Meeting opened by prayer by
the President. H C. Kimball made a few remarks
said he had no time to be sick he had so much
to do. If he lay down to be sick he would be
called up so soon that he had no time to be sick
& made remarks upon a variety of things
President Young followed & said he could
soon answer his mind did not feel much
like preaching had to administer to the sick
brethren who are labouring hard to keep soul and
body together when I see the suffering that
this people are enduring from the conduct
of professed Christians I feel more like
fighting & swearing than preaching for I see
such strugling to live that I have feelings
for the brethren to see them suffer for their religion
I am glad I have not power for I should
use it. when I have I shall have knowledge
to use it. offenses must come but wo unto those
by wholm they come. we are followed by wicked
men who will lie about us & run to Missouri &
say we are trying to kill them &c I hope such
will go away & fall & die. Some are whineing
because we will not strike hands with the devil
I wish they knew right from wrong. the High
Council are appointed to do business for the Church
will they not do right yes they will regulate the
affairs of cutting timber and all affairs for the
benefit of the people. Some act selfish but I
want to act for the good of all, because all things
do not go to suit the convenienc of all some
want to run to Mo but I want to let Mo alone
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"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," September 20, 1846, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/gJ8l