Death of the Prophet & Patriarch.
Return of the Twelve to Nauvoo & their conference
with the Church, & organization of the Church
at Nauvoo & all the churches throughout
the U. S. A. the same as in England.
My appointment to England & arival.
Our care & labours over the churches in England
The importance of building the Temple.
Also of Printing the doctrins & covenants
Called upon all the Elders to help us in
rolling on the cause & kingdom of God.
The congregation gave good attention &
I had much freedom of speech & spirit
of speaking & had a good time but was in
a high state of perspiration.
We dined & took tea at Br Lawrence Newsham
13 London road. I spent the night at
Sister Green's No 101 Bedford street
~ Monday
10th[FIGURE] I took a walk in the fore part
of the day through the city, visted the old
cock pit, whare Elders Kimball & Hyde had
Preached so much & Dr Richards we walked
up & down the river whare many hundreds
of the Saints had been baptized. I also viewed
the Place whare the Scotch made an attacked
upon the English at Preston, some of the
Scotch entered the town as far as the cock pit
but the most of them were slain in the valley
I saw their burial place there is now a groove [grove]
growing over their bodies this was in the year
AD 1745 Just one hundred years since
Death of the Prophet & Patriarch.
Return of the Twelve to Nauvoo & their conference
with the Church & organization of the Church
at Nauvoo & all the Churches throughout
the U.S.A. the same as in England.
My appointment to England & arival.
Our care & labours over the churches in England
The importance of building the Temple.
Also of Printing the doctrins & covenants
called upon all the Elders to help us in
rolling on the cause & kingdom of God.
The congregation gave good attention &
I had much freedom of speech & spirit
of speaking & had a good time but was in
a high state of perspiration.
we dined & took tea at Br Lawrence Newsham
13 London road. I spent the night at
Sister Greens No 101 Bedford street
~ Monday
10th [FIGURE] I took a walk in the fore part
of the day through the city, visted the old
cock pit, whare Elders Kimball & Hyde had
Preached so much & Dr Richards we walked
up & down the river whare many hundreds
of the Saints had been baptized. I also viewed
the Place whare the Scotch made an attack
upon the English at Preston, some of the
Scotch entered the town as far as the cock pit
but the most of them were slain in the valley
I saw their burial place there is now a grove
growing over their bodies this was in the year
AD 1745 Just one hundred years since
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," March 9, 1845 - March 10, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,