Dec 1st 1846 I am quite unwell having
much pain in my feet and ancles and
they also swell still I am labouring daily
~ Wednesday
2nd I worked upon my house. I shoveled
dirt upon the mill race one day
~ Thursday
3rd I assisted Dr Richards to finish his
house, tower, or rotunda whatever it may
be called it was framed round or eight
square coverd with puncheon & we put
upon it 50 loads of dirt I drew the
first load & superintended the building
during the day
Dec 8th 1846 At half past 3 oclock
this morning Mrs Woodruff was delivered
of A son which was untimely six
weeks before her time the boy was alive
smart and active yet we cannot suppose
him to live but a short time. We call
his name Ezra Mrs Woodruff is doing
as well as can be expected
~ Wednesday
89th The child seemed quite distressed
through the day. The Iowa Indians came
in the place & shot 3 Omahas one was the chief
~ Thursday
910thEzra Woodruff Died this
evening at half past 9 oclok
~ Tuesday
Dec 1st 1846 I am quite unwell having
much pain in my feet and ancles and
they also swell still I am labouring daily
~ Wednesday
2nd I worked upon my house. I shoveled
dirt upon the mill race one day
~ Thursday
3rd I assisted Dr Richards to finish his
house, tower, or rotunda whatever it may
be called it was framed round or eight
square coverd with puncheon & we put
upon it 50 loads of dirt I drew the
first load & superintended the building
during the day
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
4th & 5th I laboured upon my own house
~ Sunday
6th Sunday [FIGURE] I moved into my house
Mrs Woodruff was sick
~ Monday
7th I spent at home
~ Tuesday
Dec 8th 1846 [FIGURE] At half past 3 oclock
this morning Mrs Woodruff was delivered
of a Son which was untimely six
weeks before her time the boy was alive
smart and active yet we cannot suppose
him to live but a short time. We call
his name Ezra Mrs Woodruff is doing
as well as can be expected
~ Wednesday
9th The child seemed quite distressed
through the day. The Iowa Indians came
in the place & shot 3 Omahas one was the chief
~ Thursday
10th [FIGURE] Ezra Woodruff Died this
evening at half past 9 oclok
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"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," December 1, 1846 - December 10, 1846, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025,