27th I laboured hard through the
day on my house And in the
evening in company with Mrs Woodruff
I went into Br Benbows to watch with Sister Benbow she began to fail in the forepart
of the evening & continued to grow weaker
untill about 30 minutes past 11 oclok
when she drew her last breath & fell asheep
And now rests from her labours and
her works will follow her. She has admin
istered to my my wants and the wants of
my brethren the Twelve in a foreign
land and done much good for
which she shall not loose her reward
~ Saturday
28th Br Benbow is also quit sick Sister Benbow was laid out in her garments
according to her endowments
~ Sunday
JANE BENBOW Nov 29th 1846 Sunday we
attended to the burial of Sister
Benbow this day Br Benbow
was not able to follow her to the grave
I went with my family
[several lines blank]
~ Monday
30 I spent labouring upon my house
~ Friday
27th [FIGURE] I laboured hard through the
day on my house and in the
evening in company with Mrs Woodruff
I went into Br Benbows to watch with Sister
Benbow she began to fail in the forepart
of the evening & continued to grow weaker
untill about 30 minutes past 11 oclok
when she drew her last breath & fell asleep
and now rests from her labours and
her works will follow her. She has administered to my my wants and the wants of my
brethren the Twelve in a foreign
land and done much good for
which she shall not loose her reward
~ Saturday
28th Br Benbow is also quit sick Sister
Benbow was laid out in her garments
according to her endowments
~ Sunday
[FIGURE] JANE BENBOW Nov 29th 1846 Sunday we
attended to the burial of Sister
Benbow this day Br Benbow
was not able to follow her to the grave
I went with my family
several lines blank
~ Monday
30 I spent labouring upon my house
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"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," November 27, 1846 - November 30, 1846, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/BB9n