Feb 23rd Sunday The Bradford quarterly
Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints assembled at ten o'clock in the
Philadelphia Chapel North wing Bradford
There being Present W. Woodruff of the quorum
of the Twelve, 1 High Priest, 1 of the Seventies
9 Elders 9 Priest, 6 Teachers, & 4 Deacons
Elder Elijah F. Sheets The Presiding Elder over
the conference was called to the Chair
And Priest Beecroft chosen Clerk
Conference opened by singing & Prayer
After which the following branches were represented
After the representation the meeting was addresed
by Elder Woodruff upon Principle. There was
a good number of Saints together & had a good
time A band of music set in front of the Pulpit
& Played in unison with the singers
Met in unison the Afternoon at 2 oclok & had
a crouded house, of Saints & citizens
meeting opened by singing & Prayer. remarks
by Elder Woodruff on the Sacrament after
which Elder Sheets blessed the bread & wine
we communed with a large number of Saints
after which we confirmed 4 persons & Blesed
3 children. Elder Woodruff explained the
ordinances, and ^a^dressed the assembly for about
half an hour in the midst of the remarks Mr Bastow who had been a priest in the Church
Feb 23nd Sunday The Bradford quarterly
Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints assembled at ten o'clock in the
Philadelphia Chapel North wing Bradford
There being Present W. Woodruff of the quorum
of the Twelve. 1 High Priest, 1 of the Seventies
9 Elders 9 Priest. 6 Teachers, & 4 Deacons
Elder Elijah F. Sheets The Presiding Elder over
the conference was called to the Chair
And Priest Beecroft chosen Clerk
Conference opened by singing & Prayer
After which the following branches were represented
members E Pr T D B
Bradford Branch by Elder Milnes 90— 3 5 4 2 6
Leeds " " Emsly 40 2 2 [blank] 1 1
Idle " " " Lord 38 2 4 1 2 6
Total— 1687– 11– 5– 5– 13
After the representation the meeting was addresed
by Elder Woodruff upon Principle. There was
a good number of Saints together & had a good
time. A band of music set in front of the Pulpit
& Played in unison with the singers
Met in the Afternoon at 2 oclok & had
a Crouded house, of Saints & citizens
meeting opened by singing & Prayer. remarks
by Elder Woodruff on the Sacrament after
which Elder Sheets blessed the bread & wine
we communed with a large number of Saints
after which we confirmed 4 persons & Blesed
3 children. Elder Woodruff explained the
ordinances, and adressed the assembly for about
half an hour in the midst of the remarks Mr
Bastow who had been a Priest in the Church
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," February 23, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/qLy