28th We rode to FarmingtonI rode to
the whole company bought there
flour at Farmington I bought flour
4 barrels we crossed the Desmoin
River at the Farmington ferry went
out 4 miles & camped got [illegible][dug]
our waggon out 25 miles from Nauvoo 25 mile
~ Friday
29th we lay still through the day with
our teems I reloaded my waggons And
sent back to Farmington And got rods
for my waggon & sundry articles Father Woodruff was quite lame but doing well
considering how bad He was injured
~ Saturday
30th we travled through the day
~ Sunday
31 Sunday we travled through the day
And at night camp on a branch of fox
river we had a rainy night Susan Cornelia
is vary low with the bowel complaint is
dangerously sick I lade hands upon her with
Elders Sanders & Billings 15 miles
~ Monday
June lst Monday we lay still done washing &c
I shot a duck to make some broath for Susan
~ Tuesday
2nd we travelled we overtook the Ramus
company of about 25 waggons
~ Wednesday
3rd we did not journey but I went to Bloomfield bought 2 yoke of cattle paid $20
for one & $30 for the other
~ Thursday
4 we moved 2 miles & camped
~ Thursday
the whole company bought there
flour at Farmington I bought flour
4 barrels we crossed the Desmoin
River at the Farmington ferry went
out 4 mile & camped got got durg
our waggon out 25 miles from
Nauvoo 25 mile
~ Friday
29th we lay still through the day with
our teems. I reloaded my waggons And
sent back to Farmington And got rods
for my waggon & sundry articles Father
Woodruff was quite lame but doing well
considering how bad He was injured
~ Saturday
30th we travled through the day
~ Sunday
31 Sunday we travled through the day
And at night camp on a branch of fox
river we had a rainy night Susan Cornelia
is vary low with the bowel complaint is
dangerously sick I lade hands upon her with
Elders Sanders & Billings 15 miles
~ Monday
June lst Monday we lay still done washing &c
I shot a duck to make some broath for Susan
~ Tuesday
2nd we travelled we overtook the Ramus
company of about 25 waggons
~ Wednesday
3rd we did not journey but I went to
Bloomfield bought 2 yoke of cattle paid $20
for one & $30 for the other
~ Thursday
4 we moved 2 miles & camped
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," May 28, 1846 - June 4, 1846, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/kRDY