April 7th Conference assembled this morning
At Mr Haywood's room at the usual place
of Meeting T at 10 oclock according to adjourn-
ment. Meeting opened by singing & Prayers
The first business Presented before the confer-
ence for consideration was the Joint Stock
Company. A committy of ten was chosen
to withdraw from the body & form an instrim-
ent of writing as a constitution for the society
to be governed by. The comittee withdrew &
sat in council most of the time for 24 hours
& while that was going on the President &
council of the conference continued their
business through the day, setting in order the
conferences, Making such changes of Elders as
was necessary, & settling difficulties &c &c which
occupied the day
~ Tuesday
8th Conference assembled at 10 oclock & opened
by Prayer & singing After which, the
committy on the Joint Stock Company came
forward to report the result of their deliberations
& Presented the instrument of writing they
had Drawn up which was red by Mr Brown
before the meeting, it was then redad the second
time article by article, And all had the privilege
of making such remarks upon it as they saw
fit & move such amendments as was deemed
necessary after it went through the scrutiny
of the conference A vote was called upon
each article seperately & it Passed with a unan-
imous vote, which occupied the whole day
~ Wednesday
9th The conference assembled at 10 oclok
the constitution of the Joint Stock Co was
~ Monday
April 7th Conference assembled this morning
at Mr Haywood's room at the usual place
of Meeting at 10 oclock according to adjournment. Meeting opened by singing & Prayers
The first business Presented before the Conference for consideration was the Joint Stock
Company. A committy of ten was chosen
to withdraw from the body & form an instriment of writing as a constitution for the society
to be governed by. The comittee withdrew &
sat in council most of the time for 24 hours
& while that was going on the President &
council of the conference continued their
business through the day, setting in order the
conferences, Making such changes of Elders as
was necessary, & settling difficulties &c &c which
occupied the day
~ Tuesday
8th Conference assembled at 10 oclock & opened
by Prayer & Singing. After which the
committy on the Joint Stock Company came
forward to report the result of their deliberations
& Presented the instrument of writing they
had Drawn up which was red by Mr Brown
before the meeting, it was then read the second
time article by article, and all had the privilege
of making such remarks upon it as they saw
fit & move such amendments as was deemed
necessary after it went through the scrutiny
of the conference a vote was called upon
each article seperately & it Passed with a unanimous vote, which occupied the whole day
~ Wednesday
9th The Conference assembled at 10 oclok
the constitution of the Joint Stock Co was
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," April 7, 1845 - April 9, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/vz5