eration. They will come to pass. I
read the other night of a terrible flood.
Who ever heard of such a flood in
America before? These floods, and
troubles and tribulations are increasing
in the earth, and they will increase un-
til this scene is wound up. I pray God
my Heavenly Father to bless you all,
to inspire our hearts, that the vision
of our minds may be open to compre-
hend the position we are in and the re-
sponsibility we are under. The eyes of
all heaven and earth and hell are over
us. The eyes of the devils are over us.
They labor for our destruction; but
they have not power to do it. We are
in the hands of God. He holds the keys
of the destinies of the inhabitants of
the earth, and He will bless the
righteous, no matter who they are nor
where they are. I am thankful to
listen to the teachings that I have
heard at this Conference from the El-
ders of Israel. I rejoice in the progress
that has been made during the past
year in the abroad. There has
been an addition to the Church that we
have never met with in any other year
since the organization of this Church.
And here at home there has been a
great addition. Our sisters have labored
faithfully in the Primary Associations,
in the Mutual Improvement associations,
and in every capacity in which they
are called to labor. The blessings of
God are with them, and they are doing
much good. The Sunday schools have
also added to their numbers. They
have now over one hundred thousand
members. The , as has been
said, have an addition of about
thirteen thousand as a result of their
labors the past year. God is blessing
those who labor among them. If you
can save a soul from death, what bless-
ings you will have with that soul. As
the Lord said to , "If
it so be that you should labor all your
days in crying repentance unto this
people, and bring, save it be one soul
unto me, how great shall be your joy
with him in the kingdom of my
Father." [Doctrine & Covenants 18:15] We should continue in this
labor, that we may gain the salvation
of the souls of men. Inasmuch as you
will do this, the blessings of God will
attend you. Zion has got to arise or
fall. Which shall it be? The
proclamation of the Gospel of Christ
is in favor of Zion. All the revelations
appertaining to this day are in favor
of Zion, and of preparing the way for
the of the Son of Man. And
Zion will arise and shine.
God bless you, one and all. Let us
do our duty and seek to magnify our
religion, that when we get through we
will rejoice in that. It is better to be
on the Lord's side than anywhere else.
I want salvation. I want to meet my
forefathers and my friends whom I
have labored here to redeem, who
never heard the Gospel in their day
and generation. God has given us this
privilege. We have Elders of Israel
laboring in all these temples day by
day for the salvation of the children
of men. We have been blessed in this
labor, and we will continue to be
blessed; and when we get on the other
side of the veil there is not one of us
but will rejoice for the good we have
done. May God bless you. I feel to
bless the Latter-day Saints, as far as
I have power to bless. Our daughters
and our mothers are laboring for the
salvation of Israel in their line, and so
are the Elders of Israel in their line.
But we want to increase and continue
to increase, until we have power in
the earth to gather up all the honest
and meek of the earth. God bless,
guide and direct us all in the path of
truth and righteousness, for Jesus'
sake. Amen.
At the conclusion of his remarks
the vast congregation arose en masse
and in unison with the choir, sang:
We thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet,
To guide us in these latter days.
eration. They will come to pass. I
read the other night of a terrible flood.
Who ever heard of such a flood in
America before? These floods, and
troubles and tribulations are increasing
in the earth, and they will increase until this scene is wound up. I pray God
my Heavenly Father to bless you all,
to inspire our hearts, that that the vision
of our minds may be open to comprehend the position we are in and the responsibility we are under. The eyes of
all heaven and earth and hell are over
us. The eyes of the devils are over us.
They labor for our destruction; but
they have not power to do it. We are
in the hands of God. He holds the keys
of the destinies of the inhabitants of
the earth, and He will bless the
righteous, no matter who they are nor
where they are. I am thankful to
listen to the teachings that I have
heard at this Conference from the Elders of . I rejoice in the progress
that has been made during the past
year in the Church abroad. There has
been an addition to the Church that we
have never met with in any other year
since the organization of this Church.
And here at home there has been a
great addition. Our sisters have labored
faithfully in the Primary Associations,
in the MutualImprovement associations,
and in every capacity in which they
are called to labor. The blessings of
God are with them, and they are doing
much good. The Sunday schools have
also added to their numbers. They
have now over one hundred thousand
members. The Young Men's Mutual
Improvement Associations, as has been
said, have an addition of about
thirteen thousand as a result of their
labors the past year. God is blessing
those who labor among them. If you
can save a soul from death, what blessings you will have with that soul. As
the Lord said to , "If
it so be that you should labor all your
days in crying repentance unto this
people, and bring, save it be one soul
unto me, how great shall be your joy
with him in the kingdom of my
Father." We should continue in this
labor, that we may gain the salvation
of the souls of men. Inasmuch as you
will do this, the blessings of God will
attend you. Zion has got to arise or
fall. Which shall it be? The
proclamation of the Gospel of Christ
is in favor of Zion. All the revelations
appertaining to this day are in favor
of Zion, and of preparing the way for
the coming of the Son of Man. And
Zion will arise and shine.
God bless you, one and all. Let us
do our duty and seek to magnify our
religion, that when we get through we
will rejoice in that. It is better to be
on the Lord's side than anywhere else.
I want salvation. I want to meet my
forefathers and my friends whom I
have labored here to redeem, who
never heard the Gospel in their day
and generation. God has given us this
privilege. We have Elders of Israel
laboring in all these temples day by
day for the salvation of the children
of men. We have been blessed in this
labor, and we will continue to be
blessed; and when we get on the other
side of the veil there is not one of us
but will rejoice for the good we have
done. May God bless you. I feel to
bless the Latter-day Saints, as far as
I have power to bless. Our daughters
and our mothers are laboring for the
salvation of Israel in their line, and so
are the Elders of Israel in their line.
But we want to increase and continue
to increase, until we have power in
the earth to gather up all the honest
and meek of the earth. God bless,
guide and direct us all in the path of
truth and righteousness, for Jesus'
sake. Amen.
At the conclusion of his remarks
the vast congregation arose en masse
and in unison with the choir, sang:
We thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet,
To guide us in these latter days.