On the Elder Hale left and returned to his family in Kirtland I continued labouring on the Islands and main land as far as Bangor also visited other Islands including the Isle of Hold.
On the in company with Elder Hale I left the Islands and returned to Scarborough ^on foot^ Elder Hale returned to Kirtland.
Oct 2nd I left the Island with Elder Hale Capt Ames took us to Thomastown
in a sloop we walked 46 miles to Bath. we attended a Baptist
Convention in Bath and preached to a large congregation in the evening in Pierces Hall the people gave good attention. we walked 36 miles to portland
we walked 10 miles to Father Carters in Scarborough where I found
my wife and friends well. On the I parted with Elder Hale who returned
to Kirtland I continued preaching through various towns on the Main Land
untill the when I again returned to Fox Islands ^accompanied by my^ and continued
^wife who wished to visitthe Island sisters upon the Islands of the sea
my labours preaching and baptizing. On the I visited the Isl of Holt 12 miles
East of Fox Island preached to an attentive congregation left them the Book
of Mormon which they promised to read and returned on the , in the same vessel that I went over in as I had ^an^ appointments in vinal Haven on the , which was necessary for me to attend.I labouredmostlyupon those Islandsduring
^I labored here during^ the winter of 1837 & 8, and as nearly evry person oupon those Islandshadover 10 years old had attended my meetings andinvestigated the principles of mormonismthe people began to ^and^ take sides either for or against, ^us^ and our enemies wouldgather together at timesto try ^made attempts^ to break up our meetings, while holding a meeting on the North Island. On the evening of the a company of sailors belonging to the United States Revenue Cutterwhose business it was while coasting to protect the Lives and Liberties of all American citizens as far as they couldtheyhauled on shore a panel of cannon ^Brought on shore^ a swivel and joined the mob and paraded near
the house where I was speaking ^preaching^ and discharged it several times followed by smaller
arms with the intention of breaking up our meeting, but it ownly caused me to preach the longer and louder as some of the mob gathered around to see what effect
it would have I warned them in the name of the Lord, and proclaimed the judgments
of God that awaited the wicked and I shook my garments in the presence of the people
and told them I was clear of their blood and ^but^ they heard my voice and words
ownly when mingle with the roar of Cannon and musketry, before I had done
speaking they went back on board of the Revenue Cutter taking their arms with ^them^ having accomplished nothing ownly showing the wickedness of their hearts, and burning up some powder and grass. at the close of the meeting I baptized 2, also one next
day and while baptizing the mob again commencing^d^ fireing guns but being loaded with
Oct 2nd I left the Island with Elder Hale Capt Ames took us to Thomastown
in a sloop we walked 46 miles to Bath. we attended a Baptist
Convention in Bath and preached to a large congregation in the evening in
Pierces Hall the people gave good attention. we walked 36 miles to portland
we walked 10 miles to Father Carters in Scarborough where I found
my wife and friends well. On the I parted with Elder Hale who returned
to Kirtland I continued preaching through various towns on the Main Land
untill the when I again returned to Fox Islands accompanied by my continued
my labours preaching and baptizing. On the I visited the Isl of Holt 12 miles
East preached to an attentive congregation left them the Book
of Mormon which they promised to read and returned on the ,
I labored here during the winter of 1837 & 8, and nearly evry person
had attended my meetings
and take sides for or against, us and our enemies
made attempts to break up our meetings,
. On the evening of the a company of sailors belonging to the
United States Revenue Cutter
Brought on shore a swivel and joined the mob and paraded near
the house where I was preaching and discharged it several times followed by small
arms with the intention of breaking up our meeting,
as some of the mob gathered around to see what effect
it would have I warned them in the name of the Lord, and proclaimed the judgments
of God that awaited the wicked and shook my garments in the presence of the people
and told them I was clear of their blood but they heard my voice
ownly when mingle with the roar of Cannon and musketry, before I had done
speaking they went back on board of the Revenue Cutter
. at the close of the meeting I baptized 2, also one next
day and while baptizing the mob again commencingd fireing guns
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