His house also on Sunday the st we were threatened with a mob we
I baptized Mr Crider amid the scoffs & jeers of the rablle
they did not mob us but went in the night & poisoned both
of our horses the one which I rode belonging to Brother Samuel
West died in [tâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Š] two days afterwards Brother Smoots recovered
the hogs that eat of the horse flesh also died. I rode to
Mr Gainers in Henry county Tennessee ^with Brother Smoot^ where we had the priviledge of again
met with Brother David W Patten & his wife, Brother Patten
and Parrish had been driven from place to place by a mob because
of their religions they were driven out of BentonCounty into Henry County
Elder Parrish had left for Kirtland. I headed ^laboured^ with Brother Patten
& Smoot and preacheddaily through the County untill the when
we were visited by Elders Thomas B Marsh & Elisha H Groves who had come direct from Caldwell County Missouri, we had a pleasing interview. On the we held a conference
at Damonds Creek Calaway County KY. There were present T. B. Marsh
D W Patten ^of the Twelve Apostles and Elders^ E. H. Groves, W. Woodruff A. O. Smoot D. Cathcart
& other official Members. President Marsh presided. R Allexander Clerk
the various branches were represented containing 119 members in
good standing Johnston F LaneBenjamin L Clapp & Randolph Allexander
were ordained Elders under the by David W Patten & Linzy Braid to the
office of a priest 5 were baptized at the close of the conference by Elder
Patten. At the conference I was dismissed from my labours in
the South by Elders Marsh & Patten and councilled to go to
Kirtlind & get my Endowment, as was also Elder ^A O^ Smoot,
we however again visited the south th[r]ough most of the our field
of Labor before leaving and baptized several persons among the number
was Parson Baity a preacher of the Denomination called Christians
On the at the house of Brother Camps in Kentucky I took the parting
hand with Brother ^T. B^ Marsh D. W. Patten & wife & E. H. Groves who started in
a two hors waggon for Far West Mo. The same day they left I orgin-
ized the first company of Saints who ^that^ ever emigrated from the
Southern States for Zion which consisted of Lewis & Benjamin Clapp
& families Albert Petty & John Camp and their families and Elders Boydston & Cathcart numbering 22 souls I travelled with them the first
day ^8 miles^ to the South fork of Mayfield where we pit[c]hed our tents for the night
His house also on Sunday the
I baptized Mr Crider amid the scoffs & jeers of the rablle
they did not mob us but went in the night & poisoned both
of our horses the one which I rode belonging to Brother Samuel
West died in two days afterwards Brother Smoots recovered
the hogs that eat of the horse flesh also died. I rode to
Mr Gainers in Henry county Tennessee with Brother Smoot where we
met with Brother David W Patten & his wife, Brother Patten
and Parrish had been driven from place to place by a mob because
of their religions they were driven out of Benton into Henry County
Elder Parrish had left for Kirtland. I laboured with Brother Patten
& Smoot untill the when
we were visited by Elders Thomas B Marsh & Elisha H Groves
from Caldwell County Missouri,
. On the we held a conference
at Damonds Creek Calaway County KY. There were present T. B. Marsh
D W Patten of the Twelve Apostles and Elders E. H. Groves, W. Woodruff A. O. Smoot D. Cathcart
& other. President Marsh presided. R Allexander Clerk
the branches were represented containing 119 members in
good standing Johnston F LaneBenjamin L Clapp & Randolph Allexander
were ordained Elders by David W Patten & Linzy Braid to the
office of a priest 5 were baptized at the close of the conference by Elder
Patten. At the conference I was dismissed from my labours in
the South and councilled to go to
Kirtlind & get my Endowment, as was also Elder A O Smoot,
we however again visited the south through most of our field
of Labor before leaving and baptized several persons among the number
was Parson Baity a preacher of the Denomination called Christians
On the at the house of Brother Camps in Kentucky I took the parting
hand with Brother T. B Marsh D. W. Patten & wife & E. H. Groves who started in
a two hors waggon for Far West Mo. The same day they left I orginized the first company of Saints that ever emigrated from the
Southern States for Zion which consisted of Lewis & Benjamin Clapp
& families Albert Petty & John Camp and their families and Elders
Boydston & Cathcart numbering 22 souls I travelled with them the first
day 8 miles to the South fork of Mayfield where we pitched our tents for the night
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