Dear sir I would
lifke a little ^informatio^ on a guestions
that has come up concerning
your Church. does the Utah
Church have Adam as their
god does the Utah Church
teach the sheding of their
own blood as an atonement
of their or for their own sins
was this evidence prsented
in the Kirtland temple
cace between the Utah Church
and the GJosephites and against witch wihich was it decided
plaease let me know as soon
as possible and ablige
Wilfred Woodruff
Dear sir I would
like a little informatio on a guestions
that has come up concerning
your Church. does the Utah
Church have Adam. as their
god does the Utah Church
teach the sheding of their
own blood as an atonement
of their or for their own sins
was this evidence presented
in the Kirtland temple
cace between the Utah. church
and the Josephites and against
which was it decided
please let me know as soon
as possible and ablige
"Letter from Lucy Ann Strohl Hall, 26 May 1898," p. 1, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 22, 2024,