Day in the Life

May 26, 1898

Journal Entry

May 26, 1898 ~ Thursday

Thur May 26th At the office, feeling better. I attended my meeting at the
Temple at 11.30 am, and afterwards at the office until 330 p.m.


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Letter from Lucy Ann Strohl Hall, 26 May 1898
Wilfred Woodruff Dear sir I would lifke a little ^informatio^ on a guestions that has come up concerning your Church. does the Utah Church have Adam as their god does the Utah Church teach the sheding of their own blood as an atonement of their or for their own sins was this evidence prsented in the Kirtland temple cace between the Utah Church and the GJosephites and against witch wihich was it decided plaease let me know as soon as possible and ablige over
Letter from Anthony Woodward Ivins, 26 May 1898
Colonia DJularez, President Wilford Woodruff &. Counsellors. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: I fully appreciate the value of your time and know that it is more than occupied with the many questions which are constantly being presented. I would not burden you with the matter to which I am about to refer were it not that I feel certain when you have heard me you will admit that our cause is worthy your attention. That you appreciate fully the importance of the proper education of our youth of Zion we all well know, that it is the educational interests of the Juarez Stake which I wish to lay before you. In order that you may fully understand our situation your attention is called to the following facts: Our condition in Mexico is entirely different from that occupied by Latterday Saints in any other stake of Zion. We are in a country which is nominally a republic, but in reality a military oligarchy, sur- rounded by a people who speak a language foreign to ours, dark skinned and impulsive, intense in their love or hatered, who look upon the white race with suspicion and are ardently op- posed to the encroachments of foreigners. Under these circum- stances the greatest care and wisdom is necessary for the main- tainance of friendly relations and to avoid the unpleasant complications which are likely to occur at any moment. There is a system of school taxation in Mexico and by ta- king advantage of it we could raise funds to assist us in edu- cational matters but our schools would have to be under Mexic- an control and rather than trust an institution of such vital


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

May 26, 1898