but thanks be to Our Heavenly Father, He has promised
to give us a glorious victory; to raise up one Mighty
and Strong, to deliver us, in the appointed time.
We pray God to bless you, and the faithful
with patience, wisdom, and every needed blessing,
until that happy times arrives.
am truly thankful to state that my health
is good, and I am rejoicing much in my labors,
but, feel a little weary in body through the great
amount of labor that has been upon me during our
conference, which commenced on Friday the 6th, and
closed on Monday the 9th inst. During the four days,
twenty three meetings were held by the Saints, priesthood
and Elders from Zion; there being twenty five in
attendance, and two Sisters, as also a large gathering
of the saints from the various parts of the Island;
and above all the Lord Our God was with us by
the power of His spirit; to the great rejoicing of all
the saints, and Elders present. In our council
meetings we truly had a time never to be forgotten,
for so great was the power and inspiration of God
poured out upon us, that we shed tears of joy, and
our hearts swelled within us for the goodness and
loving kindness of our Heavenly Father thus bestowed
upon us. The saints of this district built a fine
meeting house for the Conference, with seats, capable
of holding three hundred people, the first house among