President Wilford Woodruff
and Quorum of Apostles,
Dear Beloved Brethern:
It is through a kind Providince, and a loving
Father, that we are once more permitted to address
you by letter; and in doing so feel to offer up a
silent, but fervent prayer that it may reach its
destination, and find you all, in the full enjoyment
of health, and under the Divine care and protection
of our ever kind and loving Father in Heaven; for
when I reflect upon the present condition of your-
selves and the Church, I see and feel that you need
an increase of the power, wisdom and blessings of
God; and to this end very earnest prayers are offered
up daeily, yea hourly, by the Elders and saints in
this far off land, the nethermost part of the earth.
Fearing as we do, from the reports that reach us,
from the various parts of Zion, that the saints have
not harkened unto the voice of God through His in-
spired prophets, in honoring God, and setting their
houses in order, and purging out sin and iniquity
from their midst, which if done would have given
us unity and strength, so much so, that our enemies
would not have the power over us that they have today.
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