glass is fractured.
Herewith please find enclosed Photograph
of the which is sent to
aid you in the understanding our descrip-
tion. The red ink marks show the out-
side damage as far as we can.
Shall we repair the damage done
or not? Until we hear from you
we shall use a wagon cover &c to
prevent damage by rain.
We gratefully recognize the providence
of the Almighty in the comparatively
slight damage done, in consideration
of the severity of the shock.
It has not in the least interfered
with our Ordinance work.
With kindest remembrance and
prayers for you and all co-laborers for
I remain, as ever,
Yours in the Gospel.
glass is fractured.
Herewith please find enclosed Photograph
of the which is sent to
aid you in the understanding our description. The red ink marks show the outside damage as far as we can.
Shall we repair the damage done
or not? Until we hear from you
we shall use a wagon cover &c to
prevent damage by rain.
We gratefully recognize the providence
of the Almighty in the comparatively
slight damage done, in consideration
of the severity of the shock.
It has not in the least interfered
with our Ordinance work.
With kindest remembrance and
prayers for you and all co-laborers for
I remain, as ever,
Yours in the Gospel.