ment of these valleys, to go to , and gather out all the Saints I
could from the Middle Atlantic and
States and the ,
who had been left there, and bring
them up to Zion. I carried out
instructions to the best of my ability,
and whenever I could get a company
of a hundred men I would select
some man and put him to preside
over them, and send them on. I
was the means of thus gathering to
Zion hundreds of people. I, myself,
took the lead of the last company.
When we arrived at , just
as we landed I was anxious to take a
steamer and go on to . I
sought an interview with the captain
just as he was starting out with some
two hundred and twenty passengers
on board. He expressed himself
willing to take us on board, and I
thought I would go; but just then
the Spirit of the Lord came upon me,
and said, "Don't go on board that
steamer." That was enough. I
knew the voice of the Spirit. I ex-
cused myself to the captain and
turned away. He immediately start-
ed down the river. It was a dark
night. Five miles below Pittsburg
the steamer took fire. They had no
chains on board, and there was
hardly a soul on board that escaped
death either from fire or water. There
were with me in that company , and
the Atwoods, who during their life-
time were widely known. By hark-
ening to the "still small voice" my
company was saved, and I am spared
to tell you about it today. I know
by experience the value of it. You
young men should live in such a
manner as to be entitled to the oper-
ations of the Holy Ghost within you,
and, as I have said, it will become a
guide as well as a revelator to you,
and never leave or fail you.
I felt to say these few words to our
young men of Israel. Zion is going
to be the glory of the whole earth,
and all the purposes of God that you
read of in the Bible and in the in regard to the designs
of God in the last days are going to
be fulfilled to the very letter. And,
as I said before, I say again, your
future blessings, your future exalta-
tion and glory, worlds without end,
will depend upon the course you pur-
sue here. The way is clear before
you that leads to life eternal. It was
found out by men whose voices are
now hushed in death, and we have
shown it to you; and it now remains
for you to walk therein.
Now, I would say to our superin-
tendents here, continue your labor
with the youth of Zion. Be not
weary in your efforts to save the
souls of men, for this is the work of
your Heavenly Father. The boys
whom you teach are the instruments
whom the God of Heaven has called
to bear off His Kingdom, and they
will do it: yes, I repeat, they will do
it; it is the will of God they should,
and it is a pleasure for me to bear
my testimony of these things to you
at the age I have attained to.
I want to say a word to our young
sisters. When you receive an offer
of marriage, find out whether the
young man smokes, or drinks, or
swears, or whether he goes to the
Sabbath School, or , whether he is vir-
tuous and worthy to bear the Priest-
hood of the Son of God. A young
woman had better be single all her
days than to marry a man who dis-
honors God and his parents, and is
unworthy of the blessings which he
is entitled to receive through the
Gospel of Christ. You boys and
girls have a great future before you.
There lies within your reach salva-
tion, eternal life and a part in the
first resurrection; in fact, all the bless-
ings God has promised to any peo-
ple that has ever been in the flesh, are
held out to you and are within your
reach inasmuch as you do your duty
in these things.
Before taking my seat, I want to
ask the young men to study the
scriptures; and to learn to understand
ment of these valleys, to go to , and gather out all the Saints I
could from the Middle Atlantic and
States and the ,
who had been left there, and bring
them up to Zion. I carried out
instructions to the best of my ability,
and whenever I could get a company
of a hundred men I would select
some man and put him to preside
over them, and send them on. I
was the means of thus gathering to
Zion hundreds of people. I, myself,
took the lead of the last company.
When we arrived at , just
as we landed I was anxious to take a
steamer and go on to . I
sought an interview with the captain
just as he was starting out with some
two hundred and twenty passengers
on board. He expressed himself
willing to take us on board, and I
thought I would go; but just then
the Spirit of the Lord came upon me,
and said, "Don't go on board that
steamer." That was enough. I
knew the voice of the Spirit. I excused myself to the captain and
turned away. He immediately started down the river. It was a dark
night. Five miles below Pittsburg
the steamer took fire. They had no
chains on board, and there was
hardly a soul on board that escaped
death either from fire or water. There
were with me in that company , and
the Atwoods, who during their lifetime were widely known. By harkening to the "still small voice" my
company was saved, and I am spared
to tell you about it today. I know
by experience the value of it. You
young men should live in such a
manner as to be entitled to the operations of the Holy Ghost within you,
and, as I have said, it will become a
guide as well as a revelator to you,
and never leave or fail you.
I felt to say these few words to our
young men of Israel. Zion is going
to be the glory of the whole earth,
and all the purposes of God that you
read of in the Bible and in the Book
of Mormon in regard to the designs
of God in the last days are going to
be fulfilled to the very letter. And,
as I said before, I say again, your
future blessings, your future exaltation and glory, worlds without end,
will depend upon the course you pursue here. The way is clear before
you that leads to life eternal. It was
found out by men whose voices are
now hushed in death, and we have
shown it to you; and it now remains
for you to walk therin.
Now, I would say to our superintendents here, continue your labor
with the youth of Zion. Be not
weary in your efforts to save the
souls of men, for this is the work of
your Heavenly Father. The boys
whom you teach are the instruments
whom the God of Heaven has called
to bear off His Kingdom, and they
will do it: yes, I repeat, they will do
it; it is the will of God they should,
and it is a pleasure for me to bear
my testimony of these things to you
at the age I have attained to.
I want to say a word to our young
sisters. When you receive an offer
of marriage, find out whether the
young man , or drinks, or
swears, or whether he goes to the
Sabbath School, or Mutual Improvement Association, whether he is virtuous and worthy to bear the Priesthood of the Son of God. A young
woman had better be single all her
days than to marry a man who dishonors God and his parents, and is
unworthy of the blessings which he
is entitled to receive through the
Gospel of Christ. You boys and
girls have a great future before you.
There lies within your reach salvation, eternal life and a part in the
first resurrection; in fact, all the blessings God has promised to any people that has ever been in the flesh, are
held out to you and are within your
reach inasmuch as you do your duty
in these things.
Before taking my seat, I want to
ask the young men to study the
scriptures; and to learn to understand