chastity of our daughters and sisters.
God has placed upon us that require-
ment. It is not for you to lead them
into dangerous paths; it is not for
you to leave them to be despoiled;
it is your duty, and you are under
obligations to preserve them free and
virtuous, pure and holy. Any na-
tion or people permitting the foun-
tains of life to become contaminated,
will die, as did and .
If we can keep the fountains of life
pure, individuals may fall, but so
long as the body politic is sound,
there is hope for the future. Amen.
Superintendent of
the Utah Stake said he sensed the
importance of his position in stand-
ing before the Conference. It is an
auspicious occasion. Gathered to-
gether are the representatives of the
of Zion. It seems to
me we have been born under most
auspicious circumstances—circum-
stances designed to mature the
greatest and purest people on earth.
How many there are who lay every-
thing upon the altar, and put forth
their best efforts for our benefit! Do
what they may for us our salvation
depends upon personal effort.
We have in Utah Stake a good
organization, but I am a new worker
and do not take any credit to myself.
While ours is the banner Stake of
Zion, we have but forty-five percent
of the elligible members in our
Choir sang the hymn, "Though in
the outward church below."
Benediction by Elder .
After invocation President Wil-
ford Woodruff spoke as follows:
Being a member of the Presidency
of the Mutual Improvement Associa-
tions, as well as one of the of the Church, I feel it
not only my privilege but my duty
to address this assembly as a society
of young men and maidens, the ris-
ing generation of this community of
people known by the world at large
as Mormons.
The President of the Church has
been referred to as the head of this
organization. The Lord in almost
every age of the world has chosen
weak and unlettered men to bear the
Priesthood, and He has chosen
whomsoever He would in this day
and time; and the only marvel I have
is that He should have chosen so
weak an instrument as I am to be the
President of this, His Church. But
that is the business of the Lord and
not mine. Occupying the position
that I do, and having passed my
eighty-eighth year in the flesh, and
living upon borrowed time, so to
speak, I can have no reason to ex-
pect that I shall dwell a great while
in your midst. Therefore I feel in
duty bound to give some counsel to
the young men of Israel who are
present today.
There has never been a genera-
tion of the sons of God upon this
earth, from Father down to
this present hour, upon whose
shoulders rested greater responsibility
than rests upon the young men and
maidens of Israel today; and if they
were able to appreciate what their
Creator requires at their hands and
the responsibility resting upon them,
it would not be said in this stand, as
it has been said here today, that one-
half of the young men of certain
wards were not connected with the
Mutual Improvement Associations.
I feel very much gratified with the
results of the labors of those who
have worked and do work in the
cause of mutual improvement, also
those of our sisters who are connect-
ed with the Primary Associations.
Many of our aged sisters at first
took hold of this work, and called
the little children together, and
taught them things of God, as their
minds were able to comprehend
them. Among them was Sister
, who labored in this
After invocation President Wilford Woodruff spoke as follows:
Being a member of the Presidency
of the Mutual Improvement Associations, as well as one of the First
Presidency of the Church, I feel it
not only my privilege but my duty
to address this assembly as a society
of young men and maidens, the rising generation of this community of
people known by the world at large
as Mormons.
The President of the Church has
been referred to as the head of this
organization. The Lord in almost
every age of the world has chosen
weak and unlettered men to bear the
Priesthood, and He has chosen
whomsoever He would in this day
and time; and the only marvel I have
is that He should have chosen so
weak an instrument as I am to be the
President of this, His Church. But
that is the business of the Lord and
not mine. Occupying the position
that I do, and having passed my
eighty-eighth year in the flesh, and
living upon borrowed time, so to
speak, I can have no reason to expect that I shall dwell a great while
in your midst. Therefore I feel in
duty bound to give some counsel to the
young men of Israel who are
present today.
There has never been a generation of the sons of God upon this
earth, from Father down to
this present hour, upon whose
shoulders rested greater responsibility
than rests upon the young men and
maidens of Israel today; and if they
were able to appreciate what their
Creator requires at their hands and
the responsibility resting upon them,
it would not be said in this stand, as
it has been said here today, that onehalf of the young men of certain
wards were not connected with the
Mutual Improvement Associations.
I feel very much gratified with the
results of the labors of those who
have worked and do work in the
cause of mutual improvement, also
those of our sisters who are connected with the Primary Associations.
Many of our aged sisters at first
took hold of this work, and called
the little children together, and
taught them things of God, as their
minds were able to comprehend
them. Among them was Sister
, who labored in this