whole study is to put down truth and put a lie
in its stead. I want the Lawyers to know that
we have common sense they want to make
you believe that when you spell Baker it
means cider or whiskey; Now let the Lawyers
and doctors alone and leave ^off^ all bitterness and
evil speaking alone and you will build the Temple
and get an endowment. All ye Lawyiers go
away and let us alone, and when we want you andwe ^&^ get full of the devil ^& want you^ we will send for you,
we may then have a more convenient season but go thy way for this time, and I want to
say to all Saints do not harbor black legs coun-
terfeiters, and bogas makers wipe them away
it is time to carry out the design of our prophet
do scease to employ doctors Lawyers & Merchants
who will empty your purs and then mob you
Store your grain in Nauvoo for you will want
it here, to eat while you are bilding the Temple.
I want to say to the hands upon the Temple be
united and I want to say to the committee ^I say^
dont turn away any person because he is an
Englishman, Scotchman, Irishman or any other
nation, but employ evry man you can and build
the temple and your homes. I had rather pay
out evry sent I have to build up this place
and get an endowment If I was driven the
next minute, without any thing to take with me
As to the doctors let them go. I can prove that
a doctor in this place doctored A woman that
was in the family way and did not know it
untill she was deliverd, and both woman and
child died, and if you will employ them
you will all die, but the time has come
whole study is to put down truth and put a lie
in its stead. I want the Lawyers to know that
we have common sense they want to make
you believe that when you spell Baker it
means cider or whiskey; Now let the Lawyers
and doctors alone and leave off bitterness and
evil speaking and you will build the Temple
and get an endowment. All ye Lawyiers go
away and let us alone, and when we
& get full of the devil & want you we will send for you,
we may then have a more convenient season
and I want to
say to all Saints do not harbor black legs counterfeiters, and bogas makers wipe them away
it is time to carry out the design of our prophet
do scease to employ doctors Lawyers & Merchants
who will empty your purs and then mob you
Store your grain in Nauvoo for you will want
it here, to eat while you are bilding the Temple.
I want to say to the hands upon the Temple be
united and to the committee I say
dont turn away any person because he is an
Englishman, Scotchman Irishman or any other
nation, but employ evry man you can and build
the temple and your homes. I had rather pay
out evry sent I have to build up this place
and get an endowment If I was driven the
next minute, without any thing to take with me
As to the doctors let them go. I can prove that
a doctor in this place doctored a woman that
was in the family way and did not know it
untill she was delivered, and both woman and
child died, and if you will employ them
you will all die, but the time has come
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," August 18, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/X6m